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Update for MEMOCODE2017 paper
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Kenneth Roe authored and Kenneth Roe committed May 30, 2017
1 parent 2112674 commit 6b2cf24
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Showing 27 changed files with 16,422 additions and 1,994 deletions.
668 changes: 429 additions & 239 deletions PEDANTIC/AbsExecute.v

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1,118 changes: 958 additions & 160 deletions PEDANTIC/AbsState.v

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387 changes: 33 additions & 354 deletions PEDANTIC/AbsStateInstance.v

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87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions PEDANTIC/ClosureHelper.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* The PEDANTIC (Proof Engine for Deductive Automation using Non-deterministic
* Traversal of Instruction Code) verification framework
* Developed by Kenneth Roe
* For more information, check out
* ClosureHelper.v

Require Export SfLib.
Require Export SfLibExtras.
Require Export ImpHeap.
Require Export AbsState.
Require Export AbsExecute.
Require Export AbsStateInstance.
Require Export Simplify.
Require Export Eqdep.
Require Export StateImplication.
Require Export Classical.
Require Export Unfold.
Require Export Fold.
Require Export merge.
Require Export ProgramTactics.

Theorem breakClosure : forall bindings s state param ss,
ss = subStateList state param ->
(realizeState (AbsClosure state param) bindings s <-> realizeState ss bindings s).

Fixpoint breakTopClosure (s : absState) : absState :=
match s with
| AbsStar s1 s2 => (AbsStar (breakTopClosure s1) (breakTopClosure s2))
| AbsOrStar s1 s2 => (AbsOrStar (breakTopClosure s1) (breakTopClosure s2))
| AbsExistsT s => AbsExistsT (breakTopClosure s)
| AbsExists e s => AbsExists e (breakTopClosure s)
| AbsAll e s => AbsAll e (breakTopClosure s)
| AbsEach e s => AbsEach e (breakTopClosure s)
| AbsEmpty => AbsEmpty
| AbsAny => AbsAny
| AbsNone => AbsNone
| AbsLeaf i ll => AbsLeaf i ll
| AbsAccumulate id e1 e2 e3 => AbsAccumulate id e1 e2 e3
| AbsMagicWand s1 s2 => AbsMagicWand (breakTopClosure s1) (breakTopClosure s2)
| AbsUpdateVar s vv vall => AbsUpdateVar (breakTopClosure s) vv vall
| AbsUpdateWithLoc s vv vall => AbsUpdateWithLoc (breakTopClosure s) vv vall
| AbsUpdateLoc s vv vall => AbsUpdateLoc (breakTopClosure s) vv vall
| AbsUpdState s1 s2 s3 => (AbsUpdState (breakTopClosure s1) (breakTopClosure s2) (breakTopClosure s3))
| AbsClosure s ll => subStateList s ll

Theorem breakTopClosureThm1 : forall bindings s state1 state2,
state1 = breakTopClosure state2 ->
(realizeState state1 bindings s -> realizeState state2 bindings s).

Theorem breakTopClosureThm2 : forall bindings s state1 state2,
state1 = breakTopClosure state2 ->
(realizeState state2 bindings s -> realizeState state1 bindings s).

Theorem breakLeftClosureThm : forall left1 left2 right m,
left1 = breakTopClosure left2 ->
mergeStates left1 right m -> mergeStates left2 right m.

Theorem breakRightClosureThm : forall left right1 right2 m,
right1 = breakTopClosure right2 ->
mergeStates left right1 m -> mergeStates left right2 m.

153 changes: 105 additions & 48 deletions PEDANTIC/Fold.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Require Export AbsStateInstance.
Require Export PickElement.
Require Export AbsExecute.
Require Export Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Opaque unitEval.

* pickNCells picks out the cells that are to be included in the folded RFun term. It also generates
Expand All @@ -35,24 +34,28 @@ Opaque unitEval.
* #4 : absExp - root of folded tree
* #5 : list absState - output of the list of cells picked
Inductive pickNCells {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absState ev eq f t ac -> nat -> @absExp ev eq f -> list (@absState ev eq f t ac) -> Prop :=
Inductive pickNCells : absState -> absState -> nat -> absExp -> list absState -> Prop :=
| PNCBase : forall state root,
pickNCells state state 0 root nil
| PNCInductive : forall state state1 state2 size root v cells,
| PNCInductive0 : forall state state1 state2 root v cells,
spickElement state (root |-> v) state1 ->
pickNCells state1 state2 0 root cells ->
pickNCells state state2 (S 0) root (cells++(root++++#0 |-> v)::nil) | PNCInductive : forall state state1 state2 size root v cells,
spickElement state (root++++#size |-> v) state1 ->
pickNCells state1 state2 size root cells ->
pickNCells state state2 (S size) root (cells++(root++++#size |-> v)::nil).
Hint Constructors pickNCells.

Ltac pickNCells := (eapply PNCBase || (eapply PNCInductive;[solveSPickElement | pickNCells])).
Ltac pickNCells := (eapply PNCBase || (eapply PNCInductive0;[solveSPickElement | pickNCells]) || (eapply PNCInductive;[solveSPickElement | pickNCells])).

Inductive strip_fields {ev} {eq} {f} : list (@absExp ev eq f) -> list nat -> Prop :=
Inductive strip_fields : list absExp -> list nat -> Prop :=
| SFNil : strip_fields nil nil
| SFCons : forall n r1 r2,
strip_fields r1 r2 ->
strip_fields ((#n)::r1) (n::r2).
Hint Constructors strip_fields.

Ltac stripFields := ((eapply SFCons;stripFields) || eapply SFNil).
* pickNHeaps picks out the heaps that are to be included in the folded RFun term. It also generates
* a portion of the predicate used to map the original components to the folded components
Expand All @@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ Hint Constructors strip_fields.
* #6 : list (nat * absState) - output of the list of heaps picked (associated with their field
* offset)
Inductive pickNHeaps {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absState ev eq f t ac -> (list nat) -> nat -> list nat -> list (@absState ev eq f t ac)-> list (nat * (@absState ev eq f t ac)) -> Prop :=
Inductive pickNHeaps : absState -> absState -> (list nat) -> nat -> list nat -> list (absState)-> list (nat * (absState)) -> Prop :=
| PNHBase : forall state size fields cells,
pickNHeaps state state nil size fields cells nil
| PNHInductive : forall state state1 state2 base fff r root ff fields cells size heap hr e_fields,
Expand All @@ -77,17 +80,17 @@ Inductive pickNHeaps {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absStat
pickNHeaps state state2 (fff::r) size e_fields cells ((fff,TREE(base,v(heap),#size,fields))::hr).
Hint Constructors pickNHeaps.

Ltac pickNHeaps := (eapply PNHInductive;[auto | (simpl;reflexivity) | solveSPickElement | pickNHeaps]) ||
Ltac pickNHeaps := (eapply PNHInductive;[stripFields | (simpl;reflexivity) | solveSPickElement | pickNHeaps]) ||
eapply PNHBase.

Fixpoint folded_heap {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (v : nat) (heaps : list (nat * (@absState ev eq f t ac))) : option nat :=
Fixpoint folded_heap (v : nat) (heaps : list (nat * absState)) : option nat :=
match heaps with
| ((x,TREE(root,v(h),size,fields))::r) => if beq_nat h v then Some x else folded_heap v r
| (_::r) => folded_heap v r
| _ => None

Fixpoint noFold {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (e : @absExp ev eq f) (heaps : list (nat * (@absState ev eq f t ac))) : bool :=
Fixpoint noFold (e : absExp) (heaps : list (nat * absState)) : bool :=
match e with
| AbsConstVal v => true
| AbsVar vv => true
Expand All @@ -98,43 +101,57 @@ Fixpoint noFold {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (e : @absExp ev eq f) (heaps : list (nat
end) l

Fixpoint foldExp {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (e : @absExp ev eq f) (heaps : list (nat * (@absState ev eq f t ac))) : @absExp ev eq f :=
Fixpoint foldExp (e : absExp) (n : nat) (heaps : list (nat * absState)) : absExp :=
match e with
| AbsConstVal v => (AbsConstVal v)
| AbsVar vv => (AbsVar vv)
| AbsQVar v => match folded_heap v heaps with None => (AbsQVar (S v)) | Some x => nth(v(0),#(x+1)) end
| AbsQVar v => match folded_heap v heaps with None => (AbsQVar v) | Some x => nth(v(n),#(x+1)) end
| AbsFun i l => AbsFun i ((fix go l := match l with
| nil => nil
| (a::b) => (foldExp a heaps)::(go b)
| (a::b) => (foldExp a n heaps)::(go b)
end) l)

Fixpoint foldState {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (s : @absState ev eq f t ac) (heaps : list (nat * (@absState ev eq f t ac))) : @absState ev eq f t ac :=
Fixpoint addHeaps (heaps : list (nat * absState)) :=
map (fun x => (fst x,addStateVar 0 (snd x))) heaps.

Fixpoint foldState (s : absState) (n : nat) (heaps : list (nat * absState)) : absState :=
match s with
| AbsStar s1 s2 => (AbsStar (foldState s1 heaps) (foldState s2 heaps))
| AbsOrStar s1 s2 => (AbsOrStar (foldState s1 heaps) (foldState s2 heaps))
| AbsExistsT s => AbsExistsT (foldState s heaps)
| AbsExists e s => AbsExists (foldExp e heaps) (foldState s heaps)
| AbsAll e s => AbsAll (foldExp e heaps) (foldState s heaps)
| AbsEach e s => AbsEach (foldExp e heaps) (foldState s heaps)
| AbsStar s1 s2 => (AbsStar (foldState s1 n heaps) (foldState s2 n heaps))
| AbsOrStar s1 s2 => (AbsOrStar (foldState s1 n heaps) (foldState s2 n heaps))
| AbsExistsT s => AbsExistsT (foldState s (S n) (addHeaps heaps))
| AbsExists e s => AbsExists (foldExp e n heaps) (foldState s (S n) (addHeaps heaps))
| AbsAll e s => AbsAll (foldExp e n heaps) (foldState s (S n) (addHeaps heaps))
| AbsEach e s => AbsEach (foldExp e n heaps) (foldState s (S n) (addHeaps heaps))
| AbsEmpty => AbsEmpty
| AbsLeaf i l => AbsLeaf i (map (fun x => foldExp x heaps) l)
| AbsAccumulate id e1 e2 e3 => AbsAccumulate id (foldExp e1 heaps) (foldExp e2 heaps) (foldExp e3 heaps)
| AbsMagicWand s1 s2 => AbsMagicWand (foldState s1 heaps) (foldState s2 heaps)
| AbsUpdateVar s i e => AbsUpdateVar (foldState s heaps) i (foldExp e heaps)
| AbsUpdState s1 s2 s3 => AbsUpdState (foldState s1 heaps) (foldState s2 heaps) (foldState s3 heaps)
| AbsNone => AbsNone
| AbsAny => AbsAny
| AbsLeaf i l => AbsLeaf i (map (fun x => foldExp x n heaps) l)
| AbsAccumulate id e1 e2 e3 => AbsAccumulate id (foldExp e1 n heaps) (foldExp e2 n heaps) (foldExp e3 n heaps)
| AbsMagicWand s1 s2 => AbsMagicWand (foldState s1 n heaps) (foldState s2 n heaps)
| AbsUpdateVar s i e => AbsUpdateVar (foldState s n heaps) i (foldExp e n heaps)
| AbsUpdateWithLoc s i e => AbsUpdateWithLoc (foldState s n heaps) i (foldExp e n heaps)
| AbsUpdateLoc s l e => AbsUpdateLoc (foldState s n heaps) (foldExp l n heaps) (foldExp e n heaps)
| AbsUpdState s1 s2 s3 => AbsUpdState (foldState s1 n heaps) (foldState s2 n heaps) (foldState s3 n heaps)
| AbsClosure s l => AbsClosure s (map (fun x => foldExp x n heaps) l)

Fixpoint build_equations {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (heap : @absExp ev eq f) (cells : list (@absState ev eq f t ac)) (fields : list nat) : @absState ev eq f t ac :=
Fixpoint build_equations (heap : absExp) (cells : list absState) (fields : list nat) : absState :=
match cells with
| nil => AbsEmpty
| ((l++++#o |-> val)::r) => if mem_nat o fields then
([nth(nth(heap,#(o+1)),#0)====(pushAbsVar val)]) ** (build_equations heap r fields)
([nth(nth(heap,#(o+1)),#0)====val]) ** (build_equations heap r fields)
([nth(heap,#(o+1))====(pushAbsVar val)]) ** (build_equations heap r fields)
([nth(heap,#(o+1))====val]) ** (build_equations heap r fields)
| (_::r) => build_equations heap r fields

Fixpoint getRootLevel (s : absState) : nat :=
match s with
| AbsExistsT s => S (getRootLevel s)
| _ => 0

* This is the main fold function. It picks out the CellFun and RFun components to be folded and replaces
* them all with a single RFun component.
Expand All @@ -144,21 +161,16 @@ Fixpoint build_equations {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (heap : @absExp ev eq f) (cells
* #1 : absState - state to be folded
* #2 : absState - output of folded state
Inductive foldHeap {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absState ev eq f t ac -> Prop :=
FoldHeap : forall state state2 hvars size fields e_fields cells root r r' r'',
Inductive foldHeap : absState -> absState -> Prop :=
FoldHeap : forall state state2 hvars size fields e_fields cells root r r' r'' rl,
strip_fields e_fields fields ->
r = getRoot state ->
pickNCells r r' size root cells ->
pickNHeaps r' r'' fields size fields cells hvars ->
state2 = AbsExistsT (replaceRoot state ((TREE(root,v(0),#size,e_fields) ** (build_equations (v(0)) cells fields) ** (foldState r'' hvars)))) ->
rl = getRootLevel state ->
state2 = AbsExistsT (replaceRoot state ((TREE(root,v(rl),#size,e_fields) ** (build_equations (v(rl)) cells fields) ** (foldState r'' rl hvars)))) ->
foldHeap state state2.

Fixpoint getRootLevel {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (s : @absState ev eq f t ac) : nat :=
match s with
| AbsExistsT s => S (getRootLevel s)
| _ => 0

* This is an auxiliary definition that folds up absAll definitions corresponding to the
* TREE that has just been folded by foldHeap.
Expand All @@ -168,16 +180,16 @@ Fixpoint getRootLevel {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} (s : @absState ev eq f t ac) : nat
* #1 : absState - state to be folded
* #2 : absState - output of folded state
Inductive foldAll {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absState ev eq f t ac -> Prop :=
Inductive foldAll : absState -> absState -> Prop :=
FoldAll : forall state root root' root'' r roott roott' x n np cond cond' cond'' size e_fields fields var y state2,
root = getRoot state ->
n = getRootLevel state ->
spickElement root (AbsAll TreeRecords(nth(v(x),#np)) cond) root' ->
spickElement root' (TREE(r, v(x), #size, fields)) roott ->
spickElement roott ([nth(v(x),y)====var]) roott' ->
spickElement roott ([nth(v(x),#y)====var]) roott' ->
strip_fields fields e_fields ->
cond' = replaceStateExp (nth(find(nth(v(x),#np),v(n)),y)) (var) cond ->
cond'' = replaceStateExp nth(v(x),#np) v(x) cond ->
cond' = removeStateVar 0 (replaceStateExp (nth(find(nth(v(S x),#np),v(0)),#y)) (addExpVar 0 var) cond) ->
cond'' = replaceStateExp nth(v(S x),#np) v(S x) cond ->
spickElement root' cond' root'' ->
state2 = replaceRoot state (AbsStar (AbsAll TreeRecords(v(x)) cond'') root'') ->
foldAll state state2.
Expand All @@ -187,10 +199,11 @@ Inductive foldAll {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : @absState ev eq f t ac -> @absState e
Ltac foldHeap R F S :=
eapply FoldHeap with (root := R) (fields := F) (size := S);[
auto |
stripFields |
(simpl; reflexivity) |
pickNCells |
pickNHeaps |
(simpl; reflexivity) |
(simpl; reflexivity)].

Ltac foldAll x :=
Expand All @@ -199,17 +212,61 @@ Ltac foldAll x :=
(simpl; reflexivity) |
solveSPickElement |
solveSPickElement |
(instantiate (3 := #x);solveSPickElement) |
auto |
(instantiate (3 := x);solveSPickElement) |
stripFields |
(simpl; reflexivity) |
(simpl; reflexivity) |
solveSPickElement |
(simpl; reflexivity)].

Theorem foldSum {ev} {eq} {f} {t} {ac} : forall v e ttt t1 t2 b s e',
@realizeState ev eq f t ac (SUM(range(#0,v),e,t1)) b s ->
@realizeState ev eq f t ac (SUM(range(v++++#1,ttt),e,t2)) b s ->
Theorem foldSum : forall v e ttt t1 t2 b s e',
realizeState (SUM(range(#0,v),e,t1)) b s ->
realizeState (SUM(range(v++++#1,ttt),e,t2)) b s ->
e' = replaceExpVar (length b) v e ->
@realizeState ev eq f t ac (SUM(range(#0,ttt),e,t1++++t2++++e')) b s.
Proof. admit. Qed.
realizeState (SUM(range(#0,ttt),e,t1++++t2++++e')) b s.
Proof. admit. Admitted.

6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions PEDANTIC/ImpHeap.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ Definition state := prod env heap.

Definition empty_state : state := (empty_env,empty_heap).

Definition env_p := fst.
Definition env_p (s : state) := fst s.

Definition heap_p := snd.
Definition heap_p (s : state) := snd s.

(* Basic operations on States *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,3 +449,5 @@ Inductive ceval : functions -> state -> com -> state -> result -> Prop :=


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