The purpose of this tool is to provide a way to test networking components using the FIX level at the system level, not unit test. Initially, I wanted a way to reproduce and document specific test cases so that I could perform regression tests at a later date.
This tool provides a way of creating test cases that can act as FIX clients or as FIX servers. But this is not a simulator, the test case author is responsible for generating the actual messages and checking their correctness.
- This is not a simulator. This tool was made to help document specific test cases (thus ensuring that I could repro and verify a test case).
- This is not meant for unit testing, but component level testing.
- This currently only supports FIX-based protocols. In theory this could support other protocols, but I haven't tried to make it more protocol agnostic.
- Groups
- Binary fields
- TestRequest/Heartbeat processing
- Write a configuration file
- Write a testcase
- Run the testcase
The configuration is gathered from a config file. The default name for the file is A full description of the contents of the file may be found in
Here is a sample configuration file.
'client': {},
'test-server': {},
FIX_4_2 = {
# The values here are examples only. They should be customized
# for your particular needs/implementation.
'protocol_version': 'FIX.4.2',
'header_fields': [8, 9],
'binary_fields': [],
'required_fields': [8, 9, 10, 35],
'group_fields': {},
'max_length': 2048,
# connection information
'name': 'client-FIX-test-server',
'protocol': 'FIX',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 9000,
'client': 'FixClient',
'test-server': 'FixServer',
'acts-as-server': 'test-server',
# protocol information
'protocol_version': FIX_4_2['protocol_version'],
'binary_fields': FIX_4_2['binary_fields'],
'header_fields': FIX_4_2['header_fields'],
'required_fields': FIX_4_2['required_fields'],
'group_fields': FIX_4_2['group_fields'],
Here is an example of a test. This test sends a logon message and then a logout message. In this case, the test tool is running as a server and a client (thus all messages are logged twice, once on the sending side and once on the receiving side).
In a more typical test case, this code would be hidden inside of a base class. Logon/logout are usually performed within the setup/teardown rather than part of the test proper.
import logging
from fixtest.base.asserts import assert_is_not_none, assert_tag
from fixtest.base.controller import TestCaseController
from fixtest.fix.constants import FIX
from fixtest.fix.messages import logon_message, logout_message
from fixtest.fix.transport import FIXTransportFactory
class LogonController(TestCaseController):
""" The base class for FIX-based TestCaseControllers.
This creates a client and a server that will
communicate with each other. So they will use
the same link config.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.testcase_id = 'Simple-1'
self.description = 'Test of the command-line tool'
config = kwargs['config']
self.server_config = config.get_role('test-server')
self.server_config.update({'name': 'server-9940'})
self.server_link_config = config.get_link('client', 'test-server')
'sender_compid': self.server_link_config['test-server'],
'target_compid': self.server_link_config['client'],
self.client_config = config.get_role('client')
self.client_config.update({'name': 'client-9940'})
self.client_link_config = config.get_link('client', 'test-server')
'sender_compid': self.client_link_config['client'],
'target_compid': self.client_link_config['test-server'],
self._servers = {}
self._clients = {}
factory = FIXTransportFactory('server-9940',
factory.filter_heartbeat = False
server = {
'name': 'server-9940',
'port': self.server_link_config['port'],
'factory': factory,
self._servers[server['name']] = server
# In the client case we do not need to provide a
# factory, Just need a transport.
client = {
'name': 'client-9940',
'host': self.client_link_config['host'],
'port': self.client_link_config['port'],
'node': factory.create_transport('client-9940',
self._clients[client['name']] = client
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def clients(self):
""" The clients that need to be started """
return self._clients
def servers(self):
""" The servers that need to be started """
return self._servers
def setup(self):
""" For this case, wait until our servers are all
connected before continuing with the test.
# at this point the servers should be waiting
# so startup the clients
def teardown(self):
def run(self):
""" This test is a demonstration of logon and
heartbeat/TestRequest processing. Usually
the logon process should be done from setup().
client = self._clients['client-9940']['node']
client.protocol.heartbeat = 5
# We only have a single server connection
server = self._servers['server-9940']['factory'].servers[0]
server.protocol.heartbeat = 5
# client -> server
# server <- client
message = server.wait_for_message(title='waiting for logon')
assert_tag(message, [(35, FIX.LOGON)])
# server -> client
# client <- server
message = client.wait_for_message(title='waiting for logon ack')
assert_tag(message, [(35, FIX.LOGON)])
# Logout
message = server.wait_for_message(title='waiting for logout')
assert_tag(message, [(35, FIX.LOGOUT)])
message = client.wait_for_message('waiting for logout ack')
assert_tag(message, [(35, FIX.LOGOUT)])
To run this, use the command line
fixtest -c fixtest/simple/ fixtest/simple/
$ fixtest -c fixtest/simple/ fixtest/simple/
20:43:40.622253: ================
20:43:40.622346: Starting test: 2022-06-27
20:43:40.622380: Module: fixtest/simple/
20:43:40.622409: Controller: LogonController
20:43:40.622435: Config: fixtest/simple/
20:43:40.622641: Test case: Simple-1
20:43:40.622668: Description: Test of the command-line tool
20:43:40.622692: ================
20:43:40.622718: server:server-9940 starting on port 9940
20:43:40.623119: fixtest.fix.transport: server:server-9940 listening on port 9940
20:43:40.623590: client:client-9940 attempting localhost:9940
20:43:40.626348: client-9940: Connection made
20:43:40.626417: fixtest.fix.transport: client:client-9940 connected to localhost:9940
20:43:40.626520: Connected: <class 'fixtest.fix.transport.FIXTransportFactory'> : server-9940
20:43:40.626706: server-9940: Connection made
20:43:40.825728: client-9940: message sent
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=044
20:43:40.826382: server-9940: message received
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=044
20:43:40.828124: server-9940: message sent
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=044
20:43:40.828550: client-9940: message received
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=044
20:43:40.828837: client-9940: message sent
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=052
20:43:40.829239: server-9940: message received
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=052
20:43:40.829514: server-9940: message sent
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=052
20:43:40.829935: client-9940: message received
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:43:40, 10=052
20:43:40.830365: client-9940: Connection lost
20:43:40.830687: server-9940: Connection lost
20:43:40.830949: ================
20:43:40.831028: Test status: ok
This is a sample of what the code would like if the logon/logout code were removed and placed in the base class setup/teardown functions.
Thus leaving run() to perform the real test work.
import logging
from fixtest.base.asserts import assert_is_not_none
from fixtest.fix.messages import new_order_message, execution_report
from fixtest.simple.simple_base import BaseClientServerController
class SimpleClientServerController(BaseClientServerController):
""" The base class for FIX-based TestCaseControllers.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.testcase_id = 'Simple NewOrder test'
self.description = 'Test of the command-line tool'
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def run(self):
""" Run the test. Here we send a new_order and
then a modify.
# client -> server
extra_tags=[(38, 100), # orderQty
(44, 10), ])) # price
# server <- client
message = self.server.wait_for_message('waiting for new order')
# server -> client
# client <- server
message = self.client.wait_for_message('waiting for new order ack')
Here is the resulting output:
$ fixtest -c fixtest/simple/ fixtest/simple/
20:47:29.508560: ================
20:47:29.508693: Starting test: 2022-06-27
20:47:29.508736: Module: fixtest/simple/
20:47:29.508771: Controller: SimpleClientServerController
20:47:29.508802: Config: fixtest/simple/
20:47:29.509069: Test case: Simple NewOrder test
20:47:29.509104: Description: Test of the command-line tool
20:47:29.509135: ================
20:47:29.509168: server:server-9940 starting on port 9940
20:47:29.509656: fixtest.fix.transport: server:server-9940 listening on port 9940
20:47:29.510099: client:client-9940 attempting localhost:9940
20:47:29.512695: Connected: <class 'fixtest.fix.transport.FIXTransportFactory'> : server-9940
20:47:29.512901: server-9940: Connection made
20:47:29.513074: client-9940: Connection made
20:47:29.513142: fixtest.fix.transport: client:client-9940 connected to localhost:9940
20:47:29.714841: client-9940: message sent
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=055
20:47:29.717093: server-9940: message received
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=055
20:47:29.717503: server-9940: message sent
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=055
20:47:29.718031: client-9940: message received
Logon : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=68, 35=A, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 98=0, 108=5, 34=1, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=055
20:47:29.718405: client-9940: message sent
NewOrderSingle : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=139, 35=D, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 11=client-9940/20220627/1, 21=1, 55=abc, 54=0, 60=20220627-20:47:29, 40=1, 38=100, 44=10, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=098
20:47:29.718884: server-9940: message received
NewOrderSingle : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=139, 35=D, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 11=client-9940/20220627/1, 21=1, 55=abc, 54=0, 60=20220627-20:47:29, 40=1, 38=100, 44=10, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=098
20:47:29.719284: server-9940: message sent
ExecutionReport : (New) : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=224, 35=8, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 11=client-9940/20220627/1, 21=1, 55=abc, 54=0, 60=20220627-20:47:29, 40=1, 38=100, 44=10, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 37=server-9940/20220627/2, 17=server-9940/20220627/1, 20=0, 150=0, 39=0, 151=100, 14=0, 6=0, 10=167
20:47:29.719792: client-9940: message received
ExecutionReport : (New) : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=224, 35=8, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 11=client-9940/20220627/1, 21=1, 55=abc, 54=0, 60=20220627-20:47:29, 40=1, 38=100, 44=10, 34=2, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 37=server-9940/20220627/2, 17=server-9940/20220627/1, 20=0, 150=0, 39=0, 151=100, 14=0, 6=0, 10=167
20:47:29.720099: client-9940: message sent
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 34=3, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=064
20:47:29.720481: server-9940: message received
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixClient, 56=FixServer, 34=3, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=064
20:47:29.720759: server-9940: message sent
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 34=3, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=064
20:47:29.721129: client-9940: message received
Logout : 8=FIX.4.2, 9=57, 35=5, 49=FixServer, 56=FixClient, 34=3, 52=20220627-20:47:29, 10=064
20:47:29.721526: server-9940: Connection lost
20:47:29.721824: client-9940: Connection lost
20:47:29.722088: ================
20:47:29.722160: Test status: ok
Upgraded code to Python 3 Moved simple to fixtest/simple (use fixtest.simple instead of simple)
Fixed Issue #1. Need to append the current directory to sys.path to load modules correctly.