This repository is meant to provide an example of cloning from GitHub using GitKraken and Git CLI.
You can follow along with the video and guide for "What is Git Clone?" on
Before cloning the repo, first fork this GitHub repository. Forking a repository lets you make a copy of a GitHub repository directly to your GitHub account.
To fork this repository, click the button in the upper right of this page.
You have successfully forked a repository 🎉
You should now be reading this, and the rest of the instructions, on your own fork!
You will also need to download GitKraken
- Click on the "Code" button and copy the URL for the repository.
Open GitKraken and click the folder tab in the upper left
Under the Clone tab, paste the URL you copied previously.
Set the desired folder location for your local copy.
Click "Clone the repo!"
- After cloning is successful, click the "Open Now" button that will appear in the top banner in GitKraken.
You have successfully cloned a repository with GitKraken 🎉
Now, let's try it with the CLI...
Open a terminal and let's make sure Git is installed. Type:
git --version
and if it tells you the version number, then Git is ready to go. If it is not currently installed, install it from -
Change directory to the target location for your soon-to-be cloned repository. For example, if you wanted to clone it into a directory called
located under your home directory, you would entercd ~/Sites
From your repository on GitHub, click on the "Code" button and copy the URL for the repository.
Enter the Git clone command followed by either the SSH or HTTPS URL for the remote repository.
git clone URL-copied-from-step-3
You have successfully cloned a repository with the Git CLI.
You can now change directory to the newly cloned repository, in this case, moby-dick, and start editing your files.
cd moby-dick
You are now set up to work locally and push your changes to GitHub, or work on GitHub and pull those changes locally.
Learn more about pulling and pushing over on
When using GitKraken, you will see the "Remotes" pane on the left will populate with the name of Remote and its branches. Now you can make your changes and push them up to your remote so team members can access your updates.
GitKraken also lets you manually add remotes by clicking the plus icon. Here you may paste either the SSH or HTTPS URLs for the repository to add the remote. This is great for adding forks of your project to see what changes team members might be working on. Feel free to add the original repository you forked from to see how we evolve this repo in the future.
It's a book about a giant whale...and so much more.
The text in this project is written entirely in Markdown (Github flavor).
Plain-text source file is full-text-moby-dick.txt
. Chapters converted to Markdown are in the /chapters/
Based on the Project Gutenberg Plain Text UTF-8 file.