GSuite Management System
This product is functioning in BETA.
I will continue working on the project, by adding more features over time. I however will not be implementing features by request. If you would like a feature added to the system, feel free to contract Richard at They have done a great job helping me with this project and understand it as well, if not better than, me.
If you would like to donate to the project I will use it to further development for items under the Project section of this page.
GSuite Management System, for allowing District admins to better manage GAFE
I am working on this. Here are a few links if it helps and I will build documentation soon. You will need a service account in the Google API for this program to work
Once you build your service account you will need to download the .p12 file and upload that to GMS -- again more documentation coming on that
This is only an example, but you will need to create a Cron Job to run the /CRON_JOBS/smart_sync.php file. Again the following is only an example of how to do it on a linux machine
$ vi crontab
MAILTO="[email protected]"
# -- run every 4 hours
0 */4 * * * cd $GMS/CRON_JOBS; php smart_sync.php dev >> $LOGS/cron.log 2>&1
$ crontab -u user ~/crontab