Alex Golub, UH Mānoa
This is a timeline of the history of sociocultural anthropology in the USA, the UK, and France from 1927 to the present. It is designed to be viewed in Aeon Timeline.
The timeline has two arcs: publications (books, articles, etc.) and institutions (everything that isn't a publication). The entities in the timeline are individual anthropologists. All events in the timeline should have a citation in the 'notes' field of the timeline.
All events are color-coded based on where they happened (for publications, this is the main office of the publishing house). A list of colors can be found below.
- red - America, Canada
- blue - France
- yellow - UK, Australia, New Zealand
- purple - Europe (including Russia/former USSR)
- Orange - Africa
- Green - latin America
- light green - Asia (yes, I know this is a bit broad!)
Tags are associated with each event. A list of tags can be found below. Importantly, I've attempted to tag all events that happened at institutions. Unless otherwise specified, all events at institutions occurred in the anthropology department of that institution. When they did not, a tag is added to specify what department they took place in.
Births, deaths, and Ph.D.s are not tagged since they are named in events and can just be searched for by name in the title.
- AmericanAnthropologist - American Anthropologist (journal)
- JAF - Journal of American Folklore
- journal - all events relating to a journal (not mandatory)
- AAA - American Anthropological Association
- AMNH - American Museum of Natural History
- BAE - Bureau of American Ethnology
- BritishAcademy
- CulturalStudies - any cultural studies department in a uni. Right now this is just Birmingham in the UK.
- department - deprecated. Do not use.
- EASA - European Association of Social Anthropology
- AAAS - American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- FieldMuseum - Field Museum at Chicago.
- engineering - an engineering department
- history - a department of history
- MacArthur - Macarthur genius grant
- conference - a conference took place
- RAI - Royal Anthropological Institute
- ResearchProject - a multi-year highly-funded research project.
- Rockefeller - founded with Rockefeller money
- Rhodes - time as Rhodes scholar
- SocialRelations - Social Relations at Harvard
- SocialThought - Department of Social Thought, University of Chicago
- Sociology - any sociology department
- Arizona
- Berkeley
- Birmingham - University of Birmingham UK
- Brandeis
- BU Boston University
- Buffalo - SUNY Buffalo
- Cambridge
- WyseChair - Inhabitants of William Wyse chair of anthropology at Cambridge
- Chicago - University of Chicago
- Collège de France
- Columbia - Columbia AND Barnard
- Cornell
- CUNY - Graduate Center CUNY
- ENS - Ecole Normale Superieure
- EPHE - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
- Harvard -- includes Radcliffe
- Hopkins - John Hopkins
- Indiana - U Indiana at Bloomington
- Institutd'Ethnologie - Institut d'Ethnologie
- Jagellonian
- Kiel
- LAS - Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale
- Legion - légion d'honneur
- LSE - London School of Economics
- Manchester
- Michigan - University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
- Minnesota - University of Minnesota
- Northwestern - Northwestern
- NYU - New York Universitty
- Oxford
- Penn - Penn
- Pitt - University of Pittsburgh
- RLI - Rhodes Livingstone Institute
- Rochester - Rochester
- SimonFraser
- SOAS - School of Oriental and Asian Studies
- SydneyUni - University of Sydney
- Stanford
- Tulane
- UBC - University of British Columbia
- UCL - University College London
- UCLA - University of California Los Angeles
- UCONN - University of Connecticuit
- UCSD - University of California San Diego
- UFL University of Florida
- UHM University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
- UIUC University of Illionois at Urbana Champaign
- UMD University of Maryland
- UNC U N. Carolina Chapel Hill
- UNM - University of New Mexico
- Utah - University of Utah
- UWA - University of Washington (Seattle)
- Vienna - University of Vienna
- Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin
- WUSTL - Washington University Saint Louis
- Yale
founded - date of founding of a department or journal
phd - gets a Ph.D. (include this event in the timeline, but the tag itself is deprecated. Just search 'Ph.D.' in the article title)
cat catalog Gacs, Women Anthropologists, ed. Gacs NAS National Academy of Sciences (USA) RD Routledge Dictionary of Anthropology Stocking, Anthro at Chicago Winters: International Biographical Encyclopedia of Anthropology work of others - the 'work of others' folder on my computer individuals - the 'individuals' folder on my computer -- search of the copyright database at