Shitty-Idle is a city themed idle game, post-hoc created by shittyidle studios, and features:
- Buying buildings
- Upgrades to buildings
- Unlocks over time and resets
- A nonsensical zoning system-minigame
- Unlockable research boni, that can be alternated over differen playthroughs
- An ugly, nonsensical randomly generated map
I released Shitty-Idle on Kongregate.
It can be played there with some support for leaderbords.
Shitty-Idle is a npm based vue project. To test the code locally, use npm install
to install all dependencies.
The default hotloading development server is available via:
npm run serve
To create a deployable build, use:
npm run build
Shitty-Idle is available under the MIT license.
See the license file for details.
Feel free to support me:
As shitty-idle increased my interest in making games, I "founded" the kinda-fake gamestudio shittyidle studios, feel free to check it out.