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Unsupervised DNA sequence modelling for machine learning


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⚠️ Note: this project will be renamed soon ⚠️

fennec unsupervisedly integrates multiple metagenomic DNA sequence representations without external data for machine learning application built on top of scikit-learn.

Available sequence representations are:

  • canonical k-mer count
  • canonical spaced-seed count
  • average sequence coverage
  • coding density
  • inter-nucleotide distance profiles
  • Contig2Vec
  • codon usage bias

This repo also contains a demo application of fennec.


git clone --recurse-submodules
cd fennec/
pip install numpy  # scikit-bio requires numpy to be already installed
pip install .

By default, VBGMM will use 64 CPU or your number of CPU. You may override this with:

N_RTHREADS=24 pip install .


import os, fennec

fastafile = '/path/to/file.fasta'  # your contigs
h5file = '/path/to/file.h5'  # every data will be stored here

# load sequences
if os.path.exists(h5file):
    # the HDF5 file already exists, load data from it
    seqdb = fennec.DNASequenceBank.read_hdf(h5file)
    # otherwise, parse the FASTA file
    seqdb = fennec.DNASequenceBank(min_length=1000, chunk_size=10000, overlap=0, verbose=2)

# define models
models_to_apply = {
    'kmers4':       fennec.MaskedKmerModel(mask="1111"),
    'kmers110011':  fennec.MaskedKmerModel(mask="110011"),
    'ind15':        fennec.InterNucleotideDistanceModel(K=15),
    'contig2vec4':  fennec.Contig2VecModel(k=4, modelfile='urq')

# apply models
for model in models_to_apply.keys():
    print(f" - applying {model}")
    X = models_to_apply[model].fit_transform(seqdb)
    print(f"{model} loaded (shape={X.shape})")
    X.to_hdf(h5file, model)

# load model from HDF5 file
raw_models, id_list, mustlink_mat = load_models(h5file, wanted_models)

# print number of dimension per model
print([(i, d.shape[1]) for i, d in raw_models.items()])

# merge models
kpca_params = {
    "inertia": 0.85,  # kernel PCA inertia to keep
    "n_jobs": 8,      # number of jobs
    "verbose": 3,     # verbosity level
    "t": 0.33         # proportion of data to be sampled for training

D, pca_components, pca_explained_variance_ratio, n_comp = merge_models(
    raw_models, id_list, kpca_params

# first component origins
pcacomp_to_model(D[0], raw_models, 0, outfile="pca_components_origin_comp0.csv")

from sklearn.cluster import Kmeans
km = Kmeans(n_clusters=5)
D_clusters = km.predict(D)


The Conda environment is provided.

conda env create --name fennec-env --file conda-env.yml
source activate fennec-env

System dependencies

  • gcc
  • libgsl-dev

Python libraries

  • scikit-bio
  • bcbio-gff
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • gensim

External software