Web3 Monitoring platform schemas definition in Avro format.
You can generate the ZIP including the avro schemas and the Java stubs using the following command:
mvn clean package
After finish in the target folder you will find:
- The ZIP file including the Avro schemas
- A Jar file including the Java stubs generated using the schemas
- Maven 3
- Java 11
You can include the stubs generated with the schemas including the following dependency:
The AVRO implementation of the schemas can be found in the src/main/resources/avro/ folder. This are the schemas implemented:
- AlertRecord.avsc
- BlockRecord.avsc
- EventBlockRecord.avsc
- EventRecord.avsc
- LogRecord.avsc
- LogRecordTopicsFlattened.avsc
- NumberParameter.avsc
- StringParameter.avsc
- TimeSeriesParameter.avsc
- TimeSeriesRecord.avsc
- TransactionRecord.avsc
- ViewBlockRecord.avsc
- ViewRecord.avsc