- Create DeepStackClient object
- Create DeepStackRequest object (Request will require other Deepstack objects/initialization parameters but we'll discuss those below)
- Send request using each objects .send(DeepStackClient) method
- Response will be returned in a hash
Creating the client requires 4 parameters: apiusername, apipassword, clientid, and isProduction. The value of isProduction is defaulted to false
so make sure to change that to true
to begin processing on the live server
# Parameters:
# Required
# apiusername: given by Deepstack
# apipassword: given by Deepstack
# clientid: given by Deepstack
# Optional
# isProduction: specify whether to use live or test server (defaulted to false- test)
client = DeepStackClient.new(apiusername, apipassword, clientid, true)
This method returns a token that can be used in place of PAN. Parameter for the method is a PaymentInstrumentCard object
First create the PaymentInstrumentCard
# def initialize(card_number, card_expiration, card_billing_address, card_billing_zipcode, card_cvv = nil, card_first_name = nil, card_last_name = nil, card_billing_city = nil, card_billing_state = nil, card_billing_country = nil)
# Each parameter set as attr_accessor, so able to change any time after creation
# Parameters
# Required
# card_number: card number
# card_expiration: card expiration in format 'MMYY'
# card_billing_address: billing address associated with card
# card_billing_zipcode: billing zipcode associated with card
# card_cvv: cvv code (not REQUIRED but best practice to include)
# Optional
# card_first_name: first name
# card_last_name: last name
# card_billing_city: billing city associated with card
# card_billing_state: billing state associated with card
# card_billing_country: billing country associated with card (ISO3166CountryCode) default value "USA"
card = PaymentInstrumentCard.new(cardnumber, cardexpiration, cardbillingaddress, cardbillingzipcode)
card.card_cvv = '123'
Now send the request for token
# Parameters
# Required
# creditCard: PaymentInstrumentCard
request = CreateTokenRequest.new(card)
response = request.send(client)
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "gettoken" in this case
# Token
token = response["clienttransdescription"]
Country codes are standardized to ISO3166CountryCode format with default value being "USA" To change the country use
Currency codes are standardized to ISO4217CurrencyCode format with default value being "USD" To change the currency use
AVS is enabled by default, however if you would like to turn this off use the following
For authorizing with a credit card... it is as simple as creating the request and passing the card object and amount as parameters. For using a token, the card expiration, billing address, and billing zipcode will also need to be passed
Authorizing with card
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount to authorize in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# creditCard: PaymentInstrumentCard
request = AuthorizationRequest.new(10.25, card)
# Pass shipping information into request
# shipping = {
# #Optional- non-filled will fill to ""
# first_name, last_name, address, city, zip, country, phone, email
# }
shipping = {
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Doe",
:address => "123 Main St",
:city => "Some city",
:zip => "12345",
:country => "US",
:phone => "1234567890",
:email => "[email protected]"
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
# Change AVS, ISOCurrency, ISOCountry
# Default values: 'y', 'USD', 'USD'
## Optional
# Pass optional card holder IP address or session ID
response = request.send(client)
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "auth" in this case
# Transaction ID used for refund/capture
transactionID = response["anatransactionid"]
Authorizing with token
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount to authorize in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# creditCard: token
request = AuthorizationRequest.new(10.25, token)
# Pass required billing information
# billing = {
# #Required
# card_expiration, billing_address, billing_zip,
# #Optional
# billing_state, billing_city, billing_country
# }
billing = {
:card_expiration => "MMYY",
:billing_address => "123 Main st",
:billing_zip => "12345",
:billing_state => "CA",
:billing_city => "some city",
:billing_country => "US"
# Pass shipping information into request
# shipping = {
# #Optional- non-filled will fill to ""
# first_name, last_name, address, city, zip, country, phone, email
# }
shipping = {
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Doe",
:address => "123 Main St",
:city => "Some city",
:zip => "12345",
:country => "US",
:phone => "1234567890",
:email => "[email protected]"
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
# Change AVS, ISOCurrency, ISOCountry
# Default values: 'y', 'USD', 'USA'
## Optional
# Pass optional card holder IP address or session ID
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "auth" in this case
# Transaction ID used for refund/capture
transactionID = response["anatransactionid"]
Sale with card
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount to authorize in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# creditCard: PaymentInstrumentCard
request = SaleRequest.new(10.25, card)
# Pass shipping information into request
# shipping = {
# #Optional- non-filled will fill to ""
# first_name, last_name, address, city, zip, country, phone, email
# }
shipping = {
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Doe",
:address => "123 Main St",
:city => "Some city",
:zip => "12345",
:country => "USA",
:phone => "1234567890",
:email => "[email protected]"
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
# Change AVS, ISOCurrency, ISOCountry
# Default values: 'y', 'USD', 'USA'
## Optional
# Pass optional card holder IP address or session ID
response = request.send(client)
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "auth" in this case
# Transaction ID used for refund/capture
transactionID = response["anatransactionid"]
Sale with token
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount to authorize in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# creditCard: token
request = SaleRequest.new(10.25, token)
# Pass required billing information
# billing = {
# #Required
# card_expiration, billing_address, billing_zip,
# #Optional
# billing_state, billing_city, billing_country
# }
billing = {
:card_expiration => "MMYY",
:billing_address => "123 Main st",
:billing_zip => "12345",
:billing_state => "CA",
:billing_city => "some city",
:billing_country => "USA"
# Pass shipping information into request
# shipping = {
# #Optional- non-filled will fill to ""
# first_name, last_name, address, city, zip, country, phone, email
# }
shipping = {
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Doe",
:address => "123 Main St",
:city => "Some city",
:zip => "12345",
:country => "US",
:phone => "1234567890",
:email => "[email protected]"
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
# Change AVS, ISOCurrency, ISOCountry
# Default values: 'y', 'USD', 'USA'
## Optional
# Pass optional card holder IP address or session ID
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "auth" in this case
# Transaction ID used for refund/capture
transactionID = response["anatransactionid"]
Capture a transaction with that handy transaction ID that came from authorization
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# transactionID: transaction ID from auth (can be set later)
request = CaptureRequest.new(10.25, token)
request = CaptureRequest.new(10.25)
request.transactionID = token
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
response = request.send(client)
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "capture" in this case
Void the transaction
# Parameters
# Required
# transactionID: transaction ID from auth(can be set later)
request = VoidRequest.new(transactionID)
response = request.send(client)
Refund with a transaction ID (very similar to capture)
# Parameters
# Required
# amount: amount in dollar amount. Ex: 10.25
# transactionID: transaction ID from auth (can be set later)
request = RefundRequest.new(10.25, transactionID)
request = RefundRequest.new(10.25)
request.transactionID = transactionID
# Pass client specific fields (invoice, trans id, etc... all optional)
# clientInfo = {
# client_trans_id, client_invoice_id, client_trans_desc
# }
clientInfo = {
:client_trans_id => "123",
:client_invoice_id => "1234",
:client_trans_desc => "Sold something cool"
response = request.send(client)
# "responsecode": "00" => success
# "responsetext" : "Transaction was successful" or error message
responseCode = response["responsecode"]
responseText = response["responsetext"]
transactionType = response["transactiontype"] # Returns name of method... "refund" in this case