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To check all files under the current directory, run:

npx codetypo-cli --gitignore .

Setup pre-commit Hook

This repository enables using codetypo as a pre-commit hook.

# .pre-commit-config.yaml
  - repo:
    rev: v8.17.1
      - id: codetypo # Spell check changed files
      - id: codetypo # Spell check the commit message
        name: check commit message spelling
          - --no-must-find-files
          - --no-progress
          - --no-summary
          - --files
          - .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
        stages: [commit-msg]
        always_run: true # This might not be necessary.

Setup Custom Dictionary

To use a custom dictionary with the pre-commit hook, create either a codetypo.config.yaml or codetypo.json file in your project's root directory.


  - name: myWords
    path: ./path/to/codeTypo_dict.txt
    addWords: true
  - myWords


  "dictionaryDefinitions": [
      "name": "myWords",
      "path": "./path/to/codeTypo_dict.txt",
      "addWords": true
  "dictionaries": ["myWords"]

If you installed the Code Spell Checker extension for VS Code, this can be done automatically from the command palette by running "Spell: Create a CodeTypo configuration file".

Install from GitHub

This repo also allows installing the codetypo-cli directly from GitHub:

npm install -g git+


Package codetypo

docker run -v $PWD:/workdir "**"

See Extending the Docker Container to include German


codetypo --help:

Usage: codetypo [options] [command]

Spelling Checker for Code

  -V, --version                         output the version number
  -h, --help                            display help for command

  lint [options] [globs...]             Check spelling
  trace [options] [words...]            Trace words -- Search for words in the
                                        configuration and dictionaries.
  check [options] <files...>            Spell check file(s) and display the
                                        result. The full file is displayed in
  suggestions|sug [options] [words...]  Spelling Suggestions for words.
  link                                  Link dictionaries and other settings to
                                        the codetypo global config.
  help [command]                        display help for command


lint is the default command.

codetypo lint --help:

Usage: codetypo lint [options] [globs...] [file://<path> ...] [stdin[://<path>]]

 - [globs...]            Glob Patterns
 - [stdin]               Read from "stdin" assume text file.
 - [stdin://<path>]      Read from "stdin", use <path> for file type and config.
 - [file://<path>]       Check the file at <path>

    codetypo .                        Recursively check all files.
    codetypo lint .                   The same as "codetypo ."
    codetypo "*.js"                   Check all .js files in the current directory
    codetypo "**/*.js"                Check all .js files recursively
    codetypo "src/**/*.js"            Only check .js under src
    codetypo "**/*.txt" "**/*.js"     Check both .js and .txt files.
    codetypo "**/*.{txt,js,md}"       Check .txt, .js, and .md files.
    cat LICENSE | codetypo stdin      Check stdin
    codetypo stdin://docs/      Check stdin as if it was "./docs/"

Check spelling

  -c, --config <codetypo.json>   Configuration file to use.  By default codetypo
                               looks for codetypo.json in the current directory.
  -v, --verbose                Display more information about the files being
                               checked and the configuration.
  --locale <locale>            Set language locales. i.e. "en,fr" for English
                               and French, or "en-GB" for British English.
  --language-id <file-type>    Force programming language for unknown
                               extensions. i.e. "php" or "scala"
  --words-only                 Only output the words not found in the
  -u, --unique                 Only output the first instance of a word not
                               found in the dictionaries.
  -e, --exclude <glob>         Exclude files matching the glob pattern. This
                               option can be used multiple times to add multiple
  --file-list <path or stdin>  Specify a list of files to be spell checked. The
                               list is filtered against the glob file patterns.
                               Note: the format is 1 file path per line.
  --file [file...]             Specify files to spell check. They are filtered
                               by the [globs...].
  --no-issues                  Do not show the spelling errors.
  --no-progress                Turn off progress messages
  --no-summary                 Turn off summary message in console.
  -s, --silent                 Silent mode, suppress error messages.
  --no-exit-code               Do not return an exit code if issues are found.
  --quiet                      Only show spelling issues or errors.
  --fail-fast                  Exit after first file with an issue or error.
  -r, --root <root folder>     Root directory, defaults to current directory.
  --no-relative                Issues are displayed with absolute path instead
                               of relative to the root.
  --show-context               Show the surrounding text around an issue.
  --show-suggestions           Show spelling suggestions.
  --no-show-suggestions        Do not show spelling suggestions or fixes.
  --no-must-find-files         Do not error if no files are found.
  --cache                      Use cache to only check changed files.
  --no-cache                   Do not use cache.
  --cache-reset                Reset the cache file.
  --cache-strategy <strategy>  Strategy to use for detecting changed files.
                               (choices: "content", "metadata", default:
  --cache-location <path>      Path to the cache file or directory. (default:
  --dot                        Include files and directories starting with `.`
                               (period) when matching globs.
  --gitignore                  Ignore files matching glob patterns found in
                               .gitignore files.
  --no-gitignore               Do NOT use .gitignore files.
  --gitignore-root <path>      Prevent searching for .gitignore files past root.
  --validate-directives        Validate in-document CodeTypo directives.
  --color                      Force color.
  --no-color                   Turn off color.
  --no-default-configuration   Do not load the default configuration and
  --debug                      Output information useful for debugging
                               codetypo.json files.
  --reporter <module|path>     Specify one or more reporters to use.
  --issue-template [template]  Use a custom issue template. See --help
                               --issue-template for details.
  -h, --help                   display help for command

More Examples:

    codetypo "**/*.js" --reporter @codetypo/codetypo-json-reporter
        This will spell check all ".js" files recursively and use

    codetypo . --reporter default
        This will force the default reporter to be used overriding
        any reporters defined in the configuration.

    codetypo . --reporter ./<path>/reporter.cjs
        Use a custom reporter. See API for details.

    codetypo "*.md" --exclude --files
        Spell check only check "" but NOT "".

    codetypo "/*.md" --no-must-find-files --files $FILES
        Only spell check the "/*.md" files in $FILES,
        where $FILES is a shell variable that contains the list of files.



codetypo trace --help:

Usage: codetypo trace [options] [words...]

Trace words -- Search for words in the configuration and dictionaries.

  -c, --config <codetypo.json>  Configuration file to use.  By default codetypo
                              looks for codetypo.json in the current directory.
  --locale <locale>           Set language locales. i.e. "en,fr" for English and
                              French, or "en-GB" for British English.
  --language-id <language>    Use programming language. i.e. "php" or "scala".
  --allow-compound-words      Turn on allowCompoundWords
  --no-allow-compound-words   Turn off allowCompoundWords
  --ignore-case               Ignore case and accents when searching for words.
  --no-ignore-case            Do not ignore case and accents when searching for
  --dictionary-path <format>  Configure how to display the dictionary path.
                              (choices: "hide", "short", "long", "full",
                              default: Display most of the path.)
  --stdin                     Read words from stdin.
  --all                       Show all dictionaries.
  --only-found                Show only dictionaries that have the words.
  --color                     Force color.
  --no-color                  Turn off color.
  --no-default-configuration  Do not load the default configuration and
  -h, --help                  display help for command


codetypo check --help:

Usage: codetypo check [options] <files...>

Spell check file(s) and display the result. The full file is displayed in color.

  -c, --config <codetypo.json>  Configuration file to use.  By default codetypo
                              looks for codetypo.json in the current directory.
  --validate-directives       Validate in-document CodeTypo directives.
  --no-validate-directives    Do not validate in-document CodeTypo directives.
  --no-color                  Turn off color.
  --color                     Force color
  --no-exit-code              Do not return an exit code if issues are found.
  --no-default-configuration  Do not load the default configuration and
  -h, --help                  display help for command


codetypo suggestions --help:

Usage: codetypo suggestions|sug [options] [words...]

Spelling Suggestions for words.

  -c, --config <codetypo.json>            Configuration file to use.  By default
                                        codetypo looks for codetypo.json in the
                                        current directory.
  --locale <locale>                     Set language locales. i.e. "en,fr" for
                                        English and French, or "en-GB" for
                                        British English.
  --language-id <language>              Use programming language. i.e. "php" or
  -s, --no-strict                       Ignore case and accents when searching
                                        for words.
  --ignore-case                         Alias of --no-strict.
  --num-changes <number>                Number of changes allowed to a word
                                        (default: 4)
  --num-suggestions <number>            Number of suggestions (default: 8)
  --no-include-ties                     Force the number of suggested to be
                                        limited, by not including suggestions
                                        that have the same edit cost.
  --stdin                               Use stdin for input.
  --repl                                REPL interface for looking up
  -v, --verbose                         Show detailed output.
  -d, --dictionary <dictionary name>    Use the dictionary specified. Only
                                        dictionaries specified will be used.
  --dictionaries <dictionary names...>  Use the dictionaries specified. Only
                                        dictionaries specified will be used.
  --no-color                            Turn off color.
  --color                               Force color
  -h, --help                            display help for command


codetypo link --help:

Usage: codetypo link [options] [command]

Link dictionaries and other settings to the codetypo global config.

  -h, --help               display help for command

  list|ls                  List currently linked configurations.
  add|a <dictionaries...>  Add dictionaries any other settings to the codetypo
                           global config.
  remove|r <paths...>      Remove matching paths / packages from the global
  help [command]           display help for command


The major version of codetypo-cli tries to match the major version of codetypo.

minor and patch versioning goes up independently from codetypo. Where possible, the minor version should match codetypo.


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