To develop an ML application to help users get notified about dubious news sources using Natural Language Processing.
Working demo of the web application can be seen here:
- Python (several of its libraries like scikit-learn, nltk, matplotlib, numpy and pandas) for building the model.
- HTML, CSS, Javascript for building the front end of the web application.
- Flask for the backend of the web application.
=> Fork this repository to start contributing.
=> Open your Git Bash command window and in the root directory type the following commands :
1) git init -initializes the git repository from the GitHub.
2) git clone -Clone the repository to your local machine
(git clone<your-github-username>/LetsUpgrade/NEWS-CLASSIFIER.git)
- Dataset:
- Algorithm Used: Multinomial Naive Bayes
- Making a chrome plugin for the web application.
- Further improving the accuracy of the model.
- Training the model further on more datasets.
All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License.