- Implement of Conceptual Blending algorithm in OpenCog Framework.
- Python 2.7.x
- AtomSpace
- OpenCog (with Cython binding)
from opencog_b.python.blending.blend import ConceptualBlending
ConceptualBlending(atomspace).run(focus_atoms, config_base)
- Make new blend with atoms from given atoms list.
- Use the custom configs. See Conceptual Blending Config Format.
- Options
- focus_atoms: If it is None, then blender will try to blend with all atoms in atomspace.
- config_base: If it is None, then blender will try to blend with default (hard-coded) configs.
- doc: API documents, project progress reports, etc.
- examples: Various examples that use the Conceptual Blending algorithm.
- opencog_b: Code of Conceptual Blending algorithm.
- '_b' is temporary postfix to avoid conflict with real OpenCog Framework.