Fechronizo is an RSS aggregator project. This fetches RSS feeds from the internet depending on all users' subscriptions and updates these feeds in the database accordingly.
The following are required to run this service:
- Docker (version 26.0.0)
To develop fechronizo, you will need:
- Go (version 1.21)
- PostgreSQL (version 14.12)
Ensure all pre-requisites are satisfied before carrying out installation and clone the repo
Execute this command from the project root to run the service
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Create a PostgreSQL database and name it appropriately. Check this reference .The database is named fechronizo
in this case
cd sql/schema
goose postgres postgres://{userName}:{password}@localhost:5432/{databaseName} up
go build -o build/fechronizo ./cmd/fechronizo && ./build/fechronizo