LD2410 mmwave Motion detection in ESPHome for Home Assistant . Can be combined with temperature, humidity and lux sensor
sensor: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005004786874722.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.83.7b9c79d21Hc0g0&gatewayAdapt=Pc2Msite
3D Printed box used: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5631878
copy the code from uart_read_line_sensor_ld2410v3.h into a new file in the esphome directory, using for example Studio Code server
Choose the ESP32 or ESP8266 code for your board
esphome example code: esp-motion-kinderkamer-lucas.yaml
ESP32-S2 | LD2410
5V <-> VCC
GPIO18 <-> RX
GPIO33 <-> TX
esphome example code: esp-motion-toilet.yaml
ESP8266 | LD2410
5V <-> VCC
TX <-> RX
RX <-> TX
D7 <-> OUT
esphome example code: esp-motion-kinderkamer-sophie.yaml
Make sure you change all the !secret values, or create them in your esphome secrets
Change at least the following (example)
file: esp-motion-kinderkamer-lucas.yaml
- name of the board you use
- names of the board in esphome and the motion sensor name (around line 166)
Add to code to a new device in esphome
Once finsihed and sensor is online, you can add it in Home assistant or visit the webpage of the device.