- Http1 and Http2 E2E integration
- Rntbd2 E2E integration (Use .NET Pipe abstraction if possible leverage on client as well)
- Http2 Comsos header HPAC possibility (.NET seems only supporting for default header's)
- Grpc implementation
- Http3 endpoint and E2E integration
- Native Rntbd server (With Backend code)
- Native Http2 server (explore Http2 implementations)
- Server AI integration (RPS, latency and scenario labeling/dimension)
- Azure stand-by runner (Router and proxy on same node)
- Azure stand-by runner (Router and proxy on different node's)
- Dotnet implementation
- Native implementation (metadata provider can be managed)
- Dotnet implementation
- Rntbd full length including headers & body
- Rntbd headers order (front load routing context header's)
- Message protocol with routing context explictly
- Avoid replica address rewriting (make it full padd-through)
- Ordering of Token through templates (fix Hack)
- Avoid explict loop for all required token presence (PreCount is one possible solution)
- Avoid explict loop for content length (Can it be in-flight compute on every token set)?
- Rntbd test server (CTL altenative)
To start service
cd Service/
dotnet run -c Release
How to run the client's
cd Client/
dotnet run -c Release -- -w [DotnetHttp1|DotnetHttp2|DotnetRntbd2] -c 100 -m 2
'-m': Max connections per endpoint
'-c': Concurrency of worload