What's Changed
- detours 1.5 to 4.01 update, C++17 updates, other fixes by @lucifer602288 in #130
- unique meshlib for each npc by Gratt-5r2 by @lucifer602288 in #133
- temporarily disable multicore shader compilation by @kirides in #134
- Fix hooking zCActiveSndAutoCalcObstruction by @lucifer602288 in #135
- Exclude forest portals when doing second depthbuffer draw of world … by @SaulMyers in #138
- Cleaning up the shader for the 'forest portals' by @SaulMyers in #139
- Update build.yml by @kirides in #143
- Update release.yml by @kirides in #144
- Merge latest changes from @SaiyansKing by @kirides in #142
- Merge latest changes from @SaiyansKing by @lucifer602288 in #150
- Render fog zones in Gothic 1 by @ThielHater in #153
- Latest changes by @lucifer602288 in #156
- correction of "Render fog zones in Gothic 1" for Gothic 1.12f commited 11.02.2024 by ThielHater by @lucifer602288 in #167
- Merge latest changes from @SaiyansKing by @kirides in #170
Full Changelog: v17.8-dev9...nightly