Provide a cross process event communication system for Electron.
English . 中文
# use npm
npm install electron-events
# or use yarn
yarn add electron-events
Add the window module to the event system in the main process:
// main.js
import { useEvents } from 'electron-events/main';
const events = useEvents();
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow();
/* The name here will be used later to specify the target or recipient of the event triggered. */
Then, pass the dependencies to the rendering process through preload script:
// preload.js
import { contextBridge } from 'electron';
import { PRELOAD_DEPENDENCIES as EVENTS_PRELOAD_DEPENDENCIES } from 'electron-events/preload';
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
Now you don't have to care about the process, just communicate events based on the name of the window:
// renderer.js
import { useEvents as useRendererEvents } from 'electron-events/renderer';
const useEvents = () =>
useRendererEvents(window.electronAPI.EVENTS_PRELOAD_DEPENDENCIES); // Remember to inject dependencies
const events = useEvents();
events.on('main' /* Name of the main process */, 'say_hi', text => {
// main.js
import { useEvents } from 'electron-events/main';
const events = useEvents();
events.emitTo('app', 'say_hi', 'Hello World!');
As you can see, event can be sent and received in either the main process or the renderer process.