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Invoice Ninja v5 UnRAID Docker image

This is just a wrapper over the original Docker image created by Invoice Ninja so it works in UnRAID.


The docker image is built every night at 01:00 UTC, so any Invoice Ninja version released before that time should be built inside the image.


This image requires MariaDB or MySQL database running in a different container.

Prior to installing the container, please create a new DB for it in MariaDB/MySQL by running:

CREATE DATABASE invoiceninja5;

Of course, if you already have a SQL user you can use that or create one specifically for Invoiceninja and use that.


⚠️ Trusted SSL certificates are a must for this to work properly, so if you using SWAG you can just copy the certificates from SWAG into storage/certificates and replace the existing ones. On the first run, self-signed certificates are automatically generated under this folder if they don't already exist. You can either replace them with SWAG ones, or import the self signed certificates into your preferred browser. More in SSL certificates


⚠️ APP_URL variable MUST be set properly on the first run. If you have to change it for some reason, you will have to DROP the DB and recreate everything, so please make sure to set it up properly from start. It must be a URL, for example:

Note: APP_URL env variable should be the form of[:port]. For example:

As long as these things above are kept in mind, this should work on the first run.

If anything is not clear enough, feel free to raise issues here.


I found disabling HTTPS to be quite buggy, so there is a script which will auto generate SSL certificates in certs/ folder in Storage: /mnt/user/appdata/invoiceninjav5/storage/certs on UnRAID level.

A certificate will be created with the CN = $SSL_HOSTNAME env variable, which has the default value of Tower: invoiceninja.crt and invoiceninja.key. To properly use InvoiceNinja you'll have to import the certificate in your browser as a CA, otherwise I found requests to fail.

I strongly recommend using LetsEncrypt or SWAG on UnRAID and then you can simply create/overwrite invoiceninja.crt with fullchain.pem and also the same thing for the key, of course. Just to clarify, you don't need to route traffic through SWAG, even though you can. Personally, I just copy the certificates from SWAG.

Personally, I use SWAG, and I just copy over the certifcates daily by using User Scripts UnRAID plugin:

# Invoice Ninja
cp /mnt/user/docker/appdata/swag/etc/letsencrypt/live/ /mnt/user/docker/appdata/invoiceninjav5/storage/certs/invoiceninja.crt
cp /mnt/user/docker/appdata/swag/etc/letsencrypt/live/ /mnt/user/docker/appdata/invoiceninjav5/storage/certs/invoiceninja.key
docker restart invoiceninja-v5

Upgrade from v4 to v5

If you already have Invoice Ninja v4 on UnRAID:

  • Run this image on a whole new database while providing credentials IN_USER_EMAIL and IN_PASSWORD which match the v4 one. This is a requirement for the migration tool to work.
  • Use this how to Note: Since the certificate over HTTPS is self signed, you'll have to migrate over HTTP, or import the certs in the v4 container, if you're not using proper certificates, of course. Otherwise, the migration will fail with Whoops, looks like something went wrong.



In case the container dies due to memory_limit errors similar to:

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted

You can override the memory limit by passing an environment variable called MEMORY_LIMIT. Example:



Feel free to raise PRs or create issues here


Invoice Ninja v5 for unRAID






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