I have previously been using openSuse for my headless server and when time comes for installation they provide a fairly simple way to use ssh/vnc for the installer by using mksusecd to modify the boot options.
sudo mksusecd --create suse-leap-ssh.iso --boot "ifcfg=*="dhcp" self_update=1 language=en_US ssh=1 ssh.password=PASSWORD" openSUSE-Leap-15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso
sudo mksusecd --create suse-leap-ssh.iso --boot "ifcfg=*="dhcp" self_update=1 language=en_US vnc=1 vncpassword=PASSWORD" openSUSE-Leap-15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso
Now I would like the same functionality for Fedora and have been searching the entire web for a simple solution. After a week of trial and error trying both the kickstart method and modified iso's I finally found a way that is as simple or maybe more so than the openSuse approach.
It turns out that Fedora-Media-Writer creates a second partition on the usb named ANACONDA wich contains a EFI directory with a BOOT directory inside that holds a grub.cfg you can modify. Adding inst.vnc to the end of the boot parameters enables you to boot the installer with vnc support! You can also change default boot option and timeout.
Add inst.vnc to the end of the linuxefi line in grub.cfg
This only works with the server edition of Fedora, NOT workstation.
If you use UEFI and leave the usb in, you can, when time comes use efibootmgr to set next boot from that usb to initiate the re-install remotely.
sudo efibootmgr (to find device numbers)
sudo efibootmgr -n XXXX (replace XXXX with device number)
sudo reboot