A git repository for projects for the University of Waterloo Formula Motorsports. This repository is intended to provide a one-stop source for any tools I've developed for the team.
- fsaem_history - FSAE Michigan History. Plotter scripts to visualize competition data.
- ymd - Yaw Moment Diagram. Implements Pacejka MF5.2 to generate a YMD.
There are several reasons why I'm putting my code up on GitHub. Firstly, it's so the code is always available. There would be nothing worse than to write a whole bunch of code, have it undiscovered on the team drive and never used. Perhaps the second reason is the more interesting, is that I hope that the Formula SAE community can benefit from having an open implementation of common simulations. Formula SAE is a competition for the benefit of students around the world, so if you are visiting from another school - welcome! I hope you find something useful in this repository and learn something along the way.