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change to libcurl and phase out roam_headers
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kleinlennart committed Nov 20, 2022
1 parent 022558e commit 120a30c
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Showing 5 changed files with 105 additions and 79 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Imports:
testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
138 changes: 81 additions & 57 deletions R/roam_q.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# With header object ------------------------------------------------------

#' Low-level Roam Backend API Wrapper function for q route
#' @description Query the graph
Expand All @@ -14,77 +12,100 @@
#' @export
#' @examples
roam_q <- function(query, header = NULL, verbose = TRUE, format = "tibble", set_names = FALSE) {
roam_q <- function(query, graph = Sys.getenv("ROAM_GRAPH"), key = Sys.getenv("ROAM_API_KEY"), verbose = FALSE, format = c("tibble", "parsed", "json"), set_names = FALSE) {
# FIXME: consider changing param order (header before query?!)
# -> what is easier to type?!
# -> what is easier to type?! Switch so Sys.env?

#### Check params ####
if (is.null(header)) {
usethis::ui_stop("{ui_field('header')} is empty. You need to supply a valid roam_headers object!
See {ui_code('?roam_set_headers')} for more information.")
# FIXME: outsource param checks to helper function!

### Checks
format <- match.arg(format)

key <- header$KEY
graph <- header$GRAPH
# if not format type
# if set_names not logical
# if verbose not logical

#### check header integrity ####
## check header integrity
if (is.null(key)) {
usethis::ui_stop("The `key` header is empty. You need to supply a Roam API Key!")
usethis::ui_stop("The {ui_field('key')} header field is empty. You need to supply a Roam API Key!")
} else if (!is.character(key)) {
usethis::ui_stop("The `key` header is not a character string.")
usethis::ui_stop("The {ui_field('key')} header field is not a character string.")

if (is.null(graph)) {
usethis::ui_stop("The `graph` header is empty. You need to specify the graph you want to query!")
usethis::ui_stop("The {ui_field('graph')} header field is empty. You need to specify the graph you want to query!")
} else if (!is.character(graph)) {
usethis::ui_stop("The `graph` header is not a character string.")
usethis::ui_stop("The {ui_field('graph')} header field is not a character string.")

#### check query ####
## check query
if (is.null(query)) {
usethis::ui_stop("`query` is empty. What would you like to query?")
usethis::ui_stop("{ui_field('query')} is empty. What would you like to query?")
} else if (!is.character(graph)) {
usethis::ui_stop("`query` is not a character string.")
usethis::ui_stop("{ui_field('query')} is not a character string.")

#### Build the query ####
base_curl <- "curl -X POST \"<GRAPH>/q\" --location-trusted \\\n -H \"accept: application/json\" \\\n -H \"Authorization: Bearer <API-KEY>\" \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\\n -H \"User-Agent: roamR\" \\\n -d \"{\\\"query\\\" : \\\"<QUERY>\\\"}\""

# TODO: adjust query text (escape ", etc.)
# query <- query %>%

# insert params
curl <- base_curl %>%
stringr::str_replace("<GRAPH>", graph) %>%
stringr::str_replace("<API-KEY>", key) %>%
stringr::str_replace("<QUERY>", query)

# print cURL
if (verbose) {
usethis::ui_info("Running API Call:")
cat(curl, "\n\n")
# TODO: generalize for "write" endpoint
url <- stringr::str_interp("${graph}/q")
query_curl <- stringr::str_interp("{\"query\" : \"${query}\"}")
# TODO: fix query whitespace and quotation marks etc., all escape characters

#### Run the query ####
req <- system(curl, intern = TRUE) # capture output
# TODO: check libcurl capabilities later...
usethis::ui_done("Running query...")
h <- curl::new_handle() %>%
followlocation = 1,
unrestricted_auth = 1,
verbose = verbose,
copypostfields = query_curl
) %>%
"Accept" = "application/json",
"Content-Type" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = sprintf("Bearer %s", key),
"User-Agent" = "roamR package"

req <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)

## Check API response
if (stringr::str_detect(req, '\\{\"message\":')) {
usethis::ui_stop("API error!")
# if (httr::http_type(req) != "application/json") {
# stop("API did not return json", call. = FALSE)
# }

# FIXME: parse content or just check headers and curl verbose!
# if (stringr::str_detect(req, '\\{\"message\":')) {
# message(req)
# usethis::ui_stop("API error!")
# # if ((stringr::str_detect(req, '{\"message\":'))) # TODO: specify
# }

# if ((stringr::str_detect(req, '{\"message\":'))) # TODO: specify

#### Data wrangling ####
# Parsing curl JSON response

content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(req, flatten = FALSE)
json <- rawToChar(req$content)
parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE, flatten = TRUE)

# print cURL
if (verbose) {

# TODO: Look at JSON snippet if (verbose == TRUE)
# jsonlite::prettify(json)

# Renaming ----------------------------------------------------------------

# EXPERIMENTAL, potentially a lot of edge cases here...
# FIXME: try catch, if error default to normal and warn

if (set_names) {
usethis::ui_info("The {ui_field('set_names')} option is experimental. Use with caution!")

Expand All @@ -95,41 +116,44 @@ roam_q <- function(query, header = NULL, verbose = TRUE, format = "tibble", set_

usethis::ui_info("Using extracted names:")
usethis::ui_value(query_names) # FIXME: doesn't show!!
usethis::ui_info(ui_value(query_names)) # FIXME: doesn't show!!

results <- content$result %>%
results <- parsed %>% %>%
setNames(query_names) %>%
names(results) <- query_names

names(results) <- query_names
} else {
## Tibble
# muffles the new names message!!
results <- suppressMessages(content$result %>%
tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique"))
# FIXME: .name_repair = "unique"
usethis::ui_info("Using default names.")
results <- parsed %>% %>%
setNames(paste0("V", 1:length(.))) %>%

# Look at JSON if (verbose == TRUE)
# jsonlite::prettify(req)

# Data Return -------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: use switch instead?

if (format == "json") {
} else if (format == "parsed") {
} else if (format == "tibble") {
# print(results) # see print.tbl ?
# print(results) # see print.tbl
} else {
usethis::ui_stop("Please set a valid output format!")
# FIXME: check before running the query!!

# Manual headers ----------------------------------------------------------
# Manual headers version ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Low-level Roam Backend API Wrapper function for q route
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions README.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ As of now, you have to sign in here to export it: <https://relemma-git-feat-fron
```{r example, eval = FALSE}
# get all pages as a tibble
query = "[:find ?p ?title :where [?p :node/title ?title]]",
graph = "<GRAPH-NAME",
key = "<GRAPH-API-KEY>",
format = "tibble"
# set credentials
Sys.setenv(ROAM_API_KEY = "<YOUR-API-KEY>")
# get all pages in the graph as a tibble
pages <- roam_q(query = "[:find ?p ?title :where [?p :node/title ?title]]",
set_names = FALSE)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ As of now, you have to sign in here to export it:
``` r

# get all pages as a tibble
query = "[:find ?p ?title :where [?p :node/title ?title]]",
graph = "<GRAPH-NAME",
key = "<GRAPH-API-KEY>",
format = "tibble"
# set credentials
Sys.setenv(ROAM_API_KEY = "<YOUR-API-KEY>")

# get all pages in the graph as a tibble
pages <- roam_q(query = "[:find ?p ?title :where [?p :node/title ?title]]",
set_names = FALSE)
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions man/roam_q.Rd

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