Course project aimed at automatic detection of false friends between Ukrainian and Polish languages using orthographic and semantic features of word pairs
Files in this repository:
- requirements.txt - libraries required for installation to run this project
- alignment matrices - folder containing alignment matrices for Ukrainian and Polish languages. These matrices allow us to place vectors of Ukrainian and Polish words in a single vector space
- datasets - folder containing datasets of Ukrainian and Polish word pairs that belong to one of the three categories: false friends, cognates, and unrelated.
- - script for generation of a multilingual vector space (single vector space for Ukrainian and Polish words in this case)
- homographs_classification.ipynb - code for automatic classification of words based on their orthographic similarity. This script allows us to detect potential cognates and false friends while filtrating unrelated word pairs.
- false_friends_detection.ipynb - code for automatic classification of false friends and cognates using word embeddings
- ! note. to process vectors of Ukrainian and Polish words one must create a new folder "wiki_vectors" and download there bin+text vectors for Ukrainian and Polish from this website:
To execute the program one should run two notebooks in the following order:
- homographs_classification.ipynb
- false_friends_detection.ipynb
The first classifier (homographs classification) showed an overall accuracy of 92%, the second one (false friends and cognates classification) showed an overall accuracy of 82%. Overall accuracy of the model is the mean of the accuracies of the separate classifiers, which is 87%.
$ python3 -m venv false-friends
$ source false-friends/bin/activate
$ streamlit run streamlit_app/