Polyfans is a decentralized version of Patreon for web2 and web3 creators and their fans.
Polyfans is built on Polygon on top of Lens Protocol. Powered by Fluence, Sequence, Lit Protocol and IPFS.
- Decentralized -> can't be blocked, users own their content
- Extendable -> additional logic can be added via custom Lens protocol modules
- Pluggable -> can be used inside apps like Discord and Telegram
- All entities are NFTs: creators' profiles, posts, comments.
- All content and metadata are stored on IPFS. Polyfans used Infura provider for now. But we've started migration to Fluence nodes IPFS service to make our dapp more decentrilized
- To get access to exclusive content from creators a user has to get followNFT or collect post's NFT or fits any other on-chain conditions specified by the creator. Lit protocol is used to encrypt and decrypt hidden posts
- Social/email login and free transactions are available for web2 users via Sequence wallet and Lens API
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/kmadorin/polyfans.git
$ cd solaris-ui
Edit environment variables in .env
cp .env.example .env
And after that use these commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
We are looking for funding or grant support to continue the development and add new features such as:
- Reach web3-worthy editor for posts and comments
- Messages and notifications for followers using XMTP
- Live streams for followers using Livepeer. Using POAP tokens as a gateway to the recordings
- More complex follow modules logic. For example, depositing all fees to lending/borrowing protocols, etc.
- Decentralized API and indexer using Fluence, as well as Fluence-based IPFS gateways