DuffMan is a tool written in Go that allows users to parse Postman collections and perform fuzz testing on all the endpoints defined within. it is also can act as lightweight CLI postman client. This tool is designed to help developers and security analysts discover potential vulnerabilities and ensure robust error handling in their APIs.
There are three ways to install the DuffMan: building from source, using go install
, or downloading pre-compiled binaries.
git clone https://github.com/kmarkela/duffman
cd duffman
go build -o duffman
go install github.com/kmarkela/duffman@latest
If you prefer to download a pre-compiled binary for your platform, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Releases page of the DuffMan repository.
- Download the appropriate binary for your operating system and architecture.
- Move the binary to your desired location.
Diagnostic Utility for Fuzzing and Fault Management of API Nodes
DuffMan [flags]
DuffMan [command]
Available Commands:
client Lightweight CLI postman client
fuzz Fuzz all endpoint from Postman Collection
help Help about any command
parse Parse only collection file
version Print Version
-f, --collection string path to collection file
-e, --environment string path to environment file
-h, --help help for DuffMan
Use "DuffMan [command] --help" for more information about a command.
A lightweight CLI postman client.
- open folder/requestup/down
- list navigationesc
- exitbackspace
- go to parrent foldertab
- swich tabs in request view (REQUEST
- save variablesctrl+r
- send requestctrl+l
- back to requests list
Parses Postman Collection and Environment files and print Requests/Variables/etc defined within.
parse only collection file
DuffMan parse [flags]
-h, --help help for parse
--output string output type. Possible values: brief, req, full (default "req")
Global Flags:
-f, --collection string path to collection file
-e, --environment string path to environment file
duffman parse -e test/testing_environment.json -f test/testing_collection.json
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[*] Environment:
- env1: 9999
- env2: 8888
- env3: 7777
[*] Variables:
- testing: 123456
[*] Req amount: 9
[*] Requests:
- URL: http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json
- URL: http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw-text
- URL: http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params
- URL: http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params
- URL: http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header
- URL: http://foo.bar/1-sub/get/var/1111/2222
- URL: http://foo.bar/get/var/1111/2222
- URL: http://foo.bar/get/variable/1111/2222
- URL: http://foo.bar/env
It allows to fuzz muptiple parameters over multiple endpoints
DuffMan fuzz [flags]
--headers strings replace header if exists, add if it wasn't in original request
-h, --help help for fuzz
-r, --hide-response-time int hide requests with response time less than X in milliseconds
-m, --maxReq int max amount of requests per second
-p, --proxy string proxy
-b, --status-codes-blacklist ints hide responses with specified status codes
--variables strings replace variables value
-l, --wordlist string wordlits to fuzz
-w, --workers int amount of workers (default 10)
Global Flags:
-f, --collection string path to collection file
-e, --environment string path to environment file
go run main.go fuzz -f test/testing_collection.json -e test/testing_environment.json --headers "User-Agent: duffman" --headers "X-Fuzz: test" -m 40 -w 100 -p -l ~/1.lst -b 404,401
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# DuffMan #
# [*] Wordlist count: 3 #
# [*] Amount of request: 9 #
# [*] Amount of parameters: 16 #
# [*] Total to fuzz: 48 #
# [*] Status Code Blacklist: 404,401 #
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test1 | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 44ms |
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test1 | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 69ms |
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test1 | | 501 | 357 | 24ms |
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test2.test3.test4 | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 14ms |
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test2.test3.test4 | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 15ms |
| http://foo.bar/3-sub/post/raw-json | POST | test2.test3.test4 | | 501 | 357 | 29ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | testing-param | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 11ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | testing-param | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 12ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | testing-param | | 501 | 357 | 18ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | test | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 92ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | test | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 89ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params | POST | testing-param | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 49ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/raw_params | POST | test | | 501 | 357 | 78ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params | POST | testing-param | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 38ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params | POST | testing-param | | 501 | 357 | 18ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | testing-param | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 12ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | testing-param | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 21ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | testing-param | | 501 | 357 | 14ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | params | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 16ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | params | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 11ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | params | | 501 | 357 | 18ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | param2 | pwn1 | 501 | 357 | 13ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | param2 | pwn2 | 501 | 357 | 15ms |
| http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/urlen_params_header | POST | param2 | | 501 | 357 | 17ms |
[-] 3 Errors occur during Fuzz:
- Endpoint http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params:
* Param: post
* Error: no encoder for: multipart/form-data; boundary=------border
- Endpoint http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params:
* Param: post
* Error: no encoder for: multipart/form-data; boundary=------border
- Endpoint http://foo.bar/2-sub/post/form_params:
* Param: post
* Error: no encoder for: multipart/form-data; boundary=------border
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
The DuffMan is intended for security research and testing purposes only. This tool should only be used on systems that you own or are explicitly authorized to test. Ethical conduct is required from all users.
The author(s) of this tool take no responsibility for any misuse of the software. It is the end user's responsibility to comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws. By using this tool, you agree that you hold responsibility for any consequences that arise from its use.
We welcome contributions! Please read our CONTRIBUTING for details on how to submit pull requests, the process for submitting bugs, feature requests, and how to propose changes.
- Kanstantsin Markelau
- Sam Cosentino
DuffMan can fuzz JSON
bodies, but with the following limitations:
- DuffMan only fuzzes the first element in an array.
- Complex schemas with multiple nested arrays may not be reconstructed accurately.
Exaples of tested JSON
can be found here