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attejensen edited this page Jan 19, 2014 · 16 revisions

About Radium

Radium is a music editor with a new and better interface.

The advantages of this interface compared to piano rolls (the normal sequencer interface), are that note editing is quicker, and that more musical data fits on the screen.

The advantage of this interface compared to trackers, is that note positions and effects are edited graphically, which is both quicker, provides more vertical space, and gives a better musically overview.

However, despite it's unusual appearance, it's a design goal for Radium to be straight forward to use, and easy to learn. It should not be harder to learn Radium than any tracker or most midi sequencers.

The main window

The first time you run radium you'll be presented with something that looks similar to this Radium main window Here follows a short breakdown of the various elements that make up the main window.

Main menu

At the top, you'll see the main menu.

Radium main menu

When opening the menu, you'll notice that there are keyboard shortcuts associated with most menu items. For instance Project->Open can be activated by pressing Ctrl + O. Using the keyboard shortcuts for the most often used commands, is a very fast way of working with Radium. All default shortcuts are explained in the [Keyboard Shortcuts](Keyboard Shortcuts) page.

Note that you can redefine any keyboard shortcut through Help->Edit Keybindings. Doing so will be reflected in the menu, so you'll see your custom keybindings next the the menu item instead of the default one.


Radium editor

The editor is where the actual musical information, like notes and controlling of effects are input and displayed. Being a tracker, Radium displays tracks from left to right, and when playing, Radium scrolls through the lines from top to bottom beginning on line 0.


Radium instrument

The instrument view displays the interface for the selected module.

  • Rename: enter in left-most text field
  • Reset slider valie: right-click + select "Reset" in menu



  • Rename a block: select block preferences from Edit menu


Radium mixer

The radium mixer is a modular view of instruments, effects and PD patches.

  • Insert module: right click + select from menu
  • Delete module: shift + click
  • Select module (show in instrument viewer): right click
  • Move module: right click + drag

Lower status bar

The lower status bar is located at the bottom of the window Radium lower bar

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