What's Changed
- LC-544 - Upgrade junit 4.13 to 4.13.2 by @kiratraynor in #173
- LC-300: create EmitNestedChildren stage by @Jozurf in #174
- LC-535: added ability to ignore "id" field in SolrIndexer by @Jozurf in #162
- LC-465: create OpenAIEmbed Stage by @Jozurf in #171
- LC-505: Update PineconeIndexer by @Jozurf in #175
- LC-505: update pineconeIndexer hotfix by @Jozurf in #176
- LC-487: fix transient worker test by @Jozurf in #172
- LC-202: support null for stage condition operator by @Jozurf in #179
- LC-549: reduce watcher interval by @Jozurf in #181
- LC-547: support OR in stage condition framework by @Jozurf in #180
- LC-467: implement ChunkText stage by @Jozurf in #160
- LC-506: support deletion for PineconeIndexer by @Jozurf in #177
- LC-467 - Upgrade project to build with java 17. by @kiratraynor in #186
- LC-422: ElasticsearchUtilsTest by @akul-sethi in #143
- LC-181: add retry connection for QueryDatabase by @Jozurf in #183
- LC-161: add connection retry for dbConnector by @Jozurf in #182
- LC-553 Support Configurable Event Topic Name by @spencersolomon6 in #188
- LC-516: Implement Basic Authentication with the Admin API by @spencersolomon6 in #147
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0