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Load Cell Protocol

knoterich edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

The communication with the Load Cell is realized through TCP Packages with the following commands:

Command Response Description
tar ack Tares the Scale
cal ack puts it in calibration mode. After the ack has been send the scale waits for the calibration value. Once this has been sent the calibration process starts, writes the factor to nonvolatile memory and finisches with an ack
dec ack Sets the number of decimal places and saves them to nonvolatile Memory
set ack Sets the calibration factor to 1
blk Forces a single blink with the set blink duration. No response over TCP
pig ack + blinking enables blinking
fpn ack sets the period of the blinking
dpn ack sets the duration of the blink
fsm ack sets the period of the sampling
nsm ack sets the number of samples to be averaged
zer ack sets the internal timer to zero
poe ack and stream of measurements enables the sending of the measurements in the format :mes:(time of measurement):(meaurement with applied calibration factor):#
pod ack disables the sending of the measurements in the format :mes:(time of measurement):(meaurement with applied calibration factor):#
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