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Day 4 Reactive X and Http

Kobi Hari edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 7 revisions

Day 4 - Reactive X, Operators, and Server Communication


pure-reactive-app Demonstrates stateful services and async pipe
fun-with-rxjs-operators Demonstrates the simple operators of RxJS
reactive-colors Demonstrates asynchronous operators on real life example
rx-movie-browser-ex3 Solution for class ex 3, also demonstrating material icons and css variables
http-tv-maze Demonstrates how to use HttpClient to access web restful apis

Pure Reactive Apps using BehaviorSubjects and Async pipe

  • We have reviewed the topics we introduced last week: Observable, Subject and BehaviorSubject
  • We developed a new application with a service that holds a counter
  • We saw how to use a behavior subject to broadcast the value of the counter
  • We saw how to "hide the writeable" part of the BehaviorSubject by using the asObservable method to create a proxy observable
  • We created an editor component and used the service to increment and decrement the counter
  • We created a presenter component to present the counter.
    • We have subscribed to the observable and updates a local field
    • We usec simple binding to present the value
  • We understood that using subscribe without unsubscribing creates memory leaks and performance hits, and saw how to unsubscribe from an observable
  • We saw how to use |async in the html templates so we can bind directly to the Observable and avoid having to use subscribe and unsubscribe

Introduction to RxJS operators

  • We talked about the concept of operators in math, strings and arrays
  • We understood that RxJS operators create observables.
  • We saw 3 documentation web sites that serve as reference guide for reactive operators
  • We covered some simple operators
  • We created an example that uses observable to convert user search keyword into a list of matching results (Colors)
  • We Understood that the map operator cannot be used when we apply an asyncronous function on each event because it creates an Observable of Promises
  • We saw how to use mergeMap and SwitchMap as asynchronous alternative for map when using async projections
  • We understood the difference between mergeMap and switchMap

Exercise 3 - Movies Browser - Part 2 - Reactive

Introduction to Http in Angular

  • We discussed internet protocols: IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP
  • We talked about the structure of Http Request - Verb, URL, Header, Body
  • We talked about the various types of verbs:
    • GET to query a single or a list of objects
    • POST to add a new object
    • PUT to update an entire existing object
    • DELETE to delete an existing object or list of objects
    • PATCH to modify a part of an existing object (several fields only)
  • We saw how to use Postman To test web APIs
  • We used HttpClientModule to provide our services with the HttpClient service
  • We used the HttpClient Service to create web requests to an online api called TV Maze
  • We saw that the HttpClient methods all return Observables
    • Which means that no request happens until we subscribe
    • Which also means that if we subscribe 3 times, we run the request 3 times...
  • We saw that it is preferable to use the toPromise operator, to convert the observable to promise.
  • We saw that the async pipe also works with promises...
  • We saw how to use sites like QuickType to automatically generate model for json data

Next week, we will

  • Introduce the Router - a tool used to navigate between pages in an angular application
  • Understand how to divide the application into Modules and the various types of modules
  • Talk about advanced routing features: Guards, Nested Routing, and lazy loading