This repository contains base docker images, examples and docker-compose used to build and run CKAN.
We build and publish docker images built using this repository to Dockerhub:
and Github Container Registry:
Looking to run CKAN on Kubernetes? Check out our CKAN Helm Chart!
Images are provided in two flavors:
- Alpine Linux based images
- Ubuntu Focal based images are the ones ending with
in the tag name
The Docker containers include only the required extensions to start a CKAN instance. The docker images are built using a multi-stage docker approach in order to produce slim production grade docker images with the right libraries and configuration. This multi-stage approach allows us to build python binary wheels in the build stages that later on we install in the main stage.
Directory layout:
- compose - contains a docker-compose setup allowing users to spin up a CKAN setup easily using docker-compose
- images - includes docker contexts for building all supported CKAN versions and datapusher
- examples - includes examples on how to extend the CKAN docker images and how to run them
To start CKAN using docker-compose, simply change into the compose directory and run
cd compose/2.9
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Check if CKAN was succesfuly started on http://localhost:5000.
In order to configure CKAN within docker-compose we use both build/up time variables loaded via the .env file, and runtime variables loaded via the .ckan-env file.
Variables in the .env file are loaded when running docker-compose build
and docker-compose up
, while variables in .ckan-env file are used withing the CKAN container at runtime to configure CKAN and CKAN extensions using ckanext-envvars.
Check some examples of extending CKAN docker images in the examples directory.
We recommend to use a multi-stage approach to extend the docker images that we provide here. To extend the images the following Dockerfile structure is recommended:
### Extensions ####
FROM as extbuild
# Switch to the root user
USER root
# Install any system packages necessary to build extensions
# Make sure we install python 3.8, cause CKAN is not compatible with 3.9
RUN apk add --no-cache --repository= \
# Fetch and build the custom CKAN extensions
RUN pip wheel --wheel-dir=/wheels git+[email protected]#egg=ckanext-acme
### MAIN ###
# Add the custom extensions to the plugins list
ENV CKAN__PLUGINS envvars image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher acme
# Switch to the root user
USER root
COPY --from=extbuild /wheels /srv/app/ext_wheels
# Install and enable the custom extensions
RUN pip install --no-index --find-links=/srv/app/ext_wheels ckanext-acme && \
ckan config-tool ${APP_DIR}/production.ini "ckan.plugins = ${CKAN__PLUGINS}" && \
chown -R ckan:ckan /srv/app
# Remove wheels
RUN rm -rf /srv/app/ext_wheels
# Switch to the ckan user
USER ckan
You can add scripts to CKAN custom images and copy them to the docker-entrypoint.d directory. Any *.sh or *.py file in that directory will be executed before the main initialization script ( is executed.
You can add scripts to CKAN custom images and copy them to the docker-afterinit.d directory. Any *.sh or *.py file in that directory will be executed after the main initialization script ( is executed.
To build a CKAN image run:
docker build --tag images/ckan/2.9
The –-tag flag sets the image name to and 'images/ckan/2.9' at the end tells docker build to use the context into the specified directory where the Dockerfile and related contents are.
It's recommended to upload built images to DockerHub
To upload the image to DockerHub run:
docker push [options] <docker-hub-namespace>/ckan:<image-tag>