Hi! This is a NodeJS and MongoBD based project for students laundry management. this is a WEB based project using MongoDB as database.
To run this project your system should have npm and NodeJS installed. To install NodeJS and npm visit [http://nodejs.org] Once NodeJS is installed Please check the version to confirm installation. For Confirmation type the following commands in your CMD or Terminal.
node -v npm -v
If you see any version no. the packages are intalled
We need to install the following npm packages to run the project:
- Express
- MongoDB
- MongoJS
- Short id for installing the pakages type hte following commands:
npm install express npm install mongodb npm install mongojs npm install shortid
For confirmation type the command and check the o/p for the above packages:
npm ls
For Running th project Please make sure you have completed the above steps. Go to the main directory and type the command:
node app.js
Then open a browser and go to the followinf URL: [http://localhost:8000]
You should now be seeing the main page.