#FED EX Demo Backend Developer The assignment is to develop a logistics company's inventory tracking system. You may find project details here.
Project Description This is a Dummy project of FED EX logistics system for tracking inventory that has CRUD capabilities and the ability to load all inventory data into a CSV file. Java was used to build the project using SpringBoot.
Java 11 Maven PostMan MySQL ##To build
mvn clean install
#Rest API Usage
##Find Main Store Item
GET http://localhost:8080/FEDEXMainScreen #####Parameter
{ "productName": "Skirts", "brand": "Nike", "productCategory": "Woman", "price": "2000" } ##Response ####200 OK on successful request
{ "id": "Long", "productName": "String", "brand": "String", "productCategory": "String", "price": "Double", "createdAt": "ISO 8601 timestamp", "updatedAt":"ISO 8601 timestamp" } ##Find Inventory BY iD
POST http://localhost:8080/showPartFormForUpdate?partID=2 #####Parameter
Inventory Id: Provide the id of the inventory ##Response ####302 FOUND on successful request
[ { "id": "Long", "productName": "String", "brand": "String", "productCategory": "String", "price": "Double", "createdAt": "ISO 8601 timestamp", "updatedAt":"ISO 8601 timestamp" } ] ##Delete Inventory
DELETE http://localhost:8080/deletepart/partID=2 #####Parameter
Inventory Id ##Response ####200 Ok on successful request
##Update Inventory Item
PATCH http://localhost:8080/showPartFormForUpdate?partID=2 #####Parameters Path Parameter: id
{ "productName": "String", "brand": "String", "productCategory": "String", "price": "Double" } ##Response ####200 OK on successful request