The main purpose of this SDK is to provide a simple interface to connect to the KB Client Registration API and its basic implementation. Developer can use provided implementation of the interface or use it to build own implementation.
This SDK contains three modules:
- contains the interfaces for calling KB Client Registration API and the current version of the API's Swagger documentationjersey-impl
- JAX-RS Jersey implementation of the interfaces, provided byapi
- Spring Boot auto-configuration that uses the Jersey implementation under the hood and serves as easy integration of this SDK to your Spring Boot application
You can use this SDK as a Maven dependency or as a external JAR.
To call KB Client Registration API:
SoftwareStatementsApi softwareStatementsApi = new SoftwareStatementsJerseyImpl("apiUri", "apiKey"));
- URI of the KB Client Registration API. Currently:
- authorization API key generated at KB API Developer portal
For more details and examples of usage this SDK see ADAA API's client reference example