This problem can be solved with the following knowledge:
- Converting Classical Orbital Elements (CoE) to spacecraft's position and velocity vectors (rv2coe)
- Converting Satellite coordinate system (RSW) to Geocentric Equatorial System (IJK) (rsw2ijk)
- Solving Kepler's Equation with Newton's Iteration method
Obtain the semi-major axis (
$a$ ), eccentricity ($e$ ), and angular momentum ($h$ ) from the initial position and velocity vector with rv2coe.m -
For each time step, obtain the eccentric anomaly (
$E$ ) from the given mean anomaly ($M$ ) with Newton's iteration. This has been coded in eccanomaly_newt.m -
Calculate True Anomaly (
$f$ ) from the following equation:$${f = 2\arctan\left(\sqrt{ 1+e \over 1-e} \times \tan{E \over 2}\right)}$$ -
Position and velocity vector in RSW coordinate frame can be obtained as follow:
- Transform position and velocity vectors from RSW to IJK coordinate with directional cosine matrices. This is coded in rsw2ijk.m
The main loop for finding spacecraft's position and velocity is shown below:
[1] H. Curtis, Orbital mechanics for engineering students, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.
[2] J. E. Prussing, B. A. Conway, Orbital mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2012.