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[ACM Computing Surveys'23] Implementations or refactor of some temporal link prediction/dynamic link prediction methods and summary of related open resources for survey paper "Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review" which has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.

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This repository is the open-source project of a survey paper entitled "Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review", which has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. It refactors or implements some representative temporal link prediction (TLP, a.k.a. dynamic link prediction) methods (especially for those do not provide their source code) based on the unified encoder-decoder framework and terminologies (regarding task settings, taxonomy, etc.) introduced in our survey paper. In addition, this repository also summarizes some other open-source projects regarding TLP. We will keep updating this repository to include some other (SOTA or classic) TLP methods, task settings, dynamic graph datasets, etc.

Note that this repository is not the official implementation of related methods. Some of the implemented TLP approaches also need careful parameter tuning to achieve the best performance on different datasets with different task settings.


Dynamic graphs serve as a generic abstraction and description of the evolutionary behaviors of various complex systems (e.g., social networks and communication networks). Temporal link prediction (TLP) is a classic yet challenging inference task on dynamic graphs, which predicts possible future linkage based on historical topology. The predicted future topology can be used to support some advanced applications on real-world systems (e.g., resource pre-allocation) for better system performance. This survey provides a comprehensive review of existing TLP methods. Concretely, we first give the formal problem statements and preliminaries regarding data models, task settings, and learning paradigms that are commonly used in related research. A hierarchical fine-grained taxonomy is further introduced to categorize existing methods in terms of their data models, learning paradigms, and techniques. From a generic perspective, we propose a unified encoder-decoder framework to formulate all the methods reviewed, where different approaches only differ in terms of some components of the framework. Moreover, we envision serving the community with an open-source project OpenTLP that refactors or implements some representative TLP methods using the proposed unified framework and summarizes other public resources. As a conclusion, we finally discuss advanced topics in recent research and highlight possible future directions.


If you find this project useful for your research, please cite our survey paper.

  title={Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review}, 
  author={Meng Qin and Dit-Yan Yeung},
  journal={ACM Computing Surveys},

If you have any questions regarding this repository, you can contact the author via [[email protected]].



  • ESSD - Evenly-Sampled Snapshot Sequence Description, a.k.a. Discrete-Time Dynamic Graph (DTDG) in other literature.

  • UESD - Unevenly-Sampled Edge Sequence Description, a.k.a. Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph (CTDG) in other literature.

(We argure that CTDG cannot precisely describe the corresponding data model. Although the time index associated with each edge is defined on a continuous domain in the second data model, the edge sequence used to encode the dynamic topology is still discrete. The term of continuous description may be ambiguous in some cases. Therefore, we use ESSD & UESD instead of DTDG & CTDG.)

  • DI - Direct Inference.

  • OTI - Online Training & Inference.

  • OTOG - Offline Training & Online Generalization.

  • HQ - Able to Derive High-Quality Prediction Results for Weighted TLP.

  • D/L-Dep - the original version of a method cannot support the weighted TLP but it can be easily extended to tackle such a setting by replacing an appropriate decoder or loss.

Implemented or Refactored TLP Methods

We implement some representative TLP methods using MATLAB and PyTorch, with the corresponding code and data put under the direcories './Matlab' and './Python'.

For each method implemented by MATLAB, [method_name].m provides the functions that give the definitions of encoder and decoder, where the loss function is derived during the optimization of encoder. [method_name]_demo.m demonstrates how to use these functions. To run the demonstration code, please first unzip the in ./Matlab/data.

For each method implemented by PyTorch, a set of classes are used to define the encoder, decoder, and loss function, which are put under the directory './Python/[method_name]'. Furthermore, [method_name].py demonstrates how to use these classes. To run the demonstration code, please first unzip the in ./Python/data. In particular, these methods (implemented by PyTorch) can be speeded up via GPUs.

Details of the implemented TLP methods are summarized as follows.

Methods Publication Venues Data Models Paradigms Level Attributes Weighted TLP Language
CRJMF [1] CIKM 2011 ESSD OTI 1 Static Able MATLAB
GrNMF [2] Physica A 2018 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able MATLAB
DeepEye [3] BDMA 2018 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able MATLAB
TMF [5] WSDM 2017 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able Python
LIST [6] IJCAI 2017 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able Python
Dyngraph2vec [7] KBS 2020 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able Python
DDNE [8] IEEE Access 2018 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A D/L-Dep Python
E-LSTM-D [9] Trans on SMC: Sys 2019 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able Python
GCN-GAN [10] InfoCom 2019 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able (HQ) Python
NetworkGAN [11] Trans on Cyb 2019 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able (HQ) Python
STGSN [12] KBS 2021 ESSD OTOG 2 Dynamic Able Python

Other Open Source Projects Regarding TLP

Methods Publication Venues Data Models Paradigms Level Attributes Weighted TLP
TLSI [13] (Code) TKDE 2016 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able
MLjFE [14] (Code) Pattern Recognition 2022 ESSD OTI 1 N/A Able
E-LSTM-D [9] (Code) Trans on SMC: Sys 2019 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able
EvolveGCN [15] (Code) AAAI 2020 ESSD OTOG 2 Dynamic D/L-Dep
CTDNE [16] (Code) WWW 2018 Companion UESD OTOG 1 N/A Unable
M2DNE [17] (Code) CIKM 2019 UESD OTOG 1 N/A Unable
DyRep [18] (Code) ICLR 2019 UESD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
TGAT [19] (Code) ICLR 2020 UESD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
CAW [20] (Code) ICLR 2021 UESD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
DySAT [21] (Code) WSDM 2020 ESSD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
TREND [22] (Code) WWW 2022 UESD OTOG 2 Static Unable
DyGNN [23] (Code) SIGIR 2020 UESD OTOG 1 N/A Unable
IDEA [24] (Code) TKDE 2023 ESSD OTOG 2 Static Able (HQ)
GSNOP [25] (Code) WSDM 2023 UESD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
TGN [26] (Code) ICML 2020 WKSP UESD OTOG 2 Dynamic Unable
MNCI [27] (Code) SIGIR 2021 UESD OTOG 2 N/A Unable
TDGNN [28] (Code) WWW 2020 UESD OTOG 1 Static Unable
HTNE [29] (Code) KDD 2018 UESD OTI 1 N/A Unable
SGR [30] (Code) TKDE 2023 ESSD OTOG 1 N/A Able

Public Datasets for TLP

Datasets Scenarios Nodes Edges Wei Links Min Time Granularity Data Models Levels
Social Evolution Social Network Cell phones Bluetooth signal, calls, or messages between cell phones No 1 min UESD 2
CollegeMsg Online social network App users Messages sent from a source user to a destination user No 1 sec UESD 2
Wiki-Talk Online social network Wikipedia users Relations that a user edits another user's talk page No 1 sec UESD 2
Enron Email network Email users Emails from a source user to a destination user No 1 sec UESD 2
Reddit-Hyperlink Hyperlink network Subreddits Hyperlinks from one subreddit to another No 1 sec UESD 2
DBLP Paper collaboration network Paper authors Collaboration relations between authors No 1 day UESD 2
AS-733 BGP autonomous systems of Internet BGP routers Who-talks-to-whom communication between routers No 1 day ESSD 2
Bitcoin-Alpha Bitcoin transaction network Bitcoin users Trust scores between users Yes 1 sec UESD 2
Bitcoin-OTC Bitcoin transaction network Bitcoin users Trust scores between users Yes 1 sec UESD 2
UCSB-Mesh Wireless mesh network Wireless routers Link quality (in terms of expected transmission time) between routers Yes 1 min ESSD 1
NumFabric (Simulated) data center network Host servers Traffic (in terms of KB) between host servers Yes 1e-6 sec UESD 1
UCSD-WTD WiFi mobility network Access points/PDA devices Signal strength (in terms of dBm) between access points and PAD devices Yes 1 sec UESD 2
UNSW-IoT IoT network IoT devices Traffic (in terms of KB) between IoT devices Yes 1e-6 sec UESD 2
WIDE Internet backbone Host servers/user devices Traffic (in terms of KB) between servers/devices Yes 1e-6 sec UESD 2

Other Related Survey Papers

Dynamic Network Embedding (DNE):

(Note that there remain some gaps between the research on DNE and TLP. On the one hand, some classic TLP approaches (e.g., neighbor similarity & graph summarization) are not based on the DNE framework. On the other hand, some DNE models are task-dependent with specific model architectures and objectives designed only for TLP. Moreover, most task-independent DNE techniques can only support simple TLP settings based on some common but naive strategies, e.g., treating the prediction of unweighted links as binary edge classification. Existing survey papers on DNE lack detailed discussions regarding whether and how a DNE method can be used to handle different settings of TLP.)

Temporal Link Prediction (TLP):

Advanced Applications Supported by TLP

Intrusion Detection & Threat Prediction for Cyber Security

Channel Allocation in Wireless IoT Networks

Burst Traffic Detection & Dynamic Routing in Optical Networks

Dynamic Routing & Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Dynamics Simulation & Conformational Analysis of Molecules

Traffic Demand Prediction in Urban Computing


[1] Gao, Sheng, Ludovic Denoyer, and Patrick Gallinari. Temporal Link Prediction by Integrating Content and Structure Information. ACM CIKM, 2011.

[2] Ma, Xiaoke, Penggang Sun, and Yu Wang. Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Temporal Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications 496 (2018): 121-136.

[3] Ahmed, Nahla Mohamed, et al. DeepEye: Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. Big Data Mining & Analytics 1.1 (2018): 19-33.

[4] Qin, Meng, et al. Adaptive Multiple Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Temporal Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML, 2018.

[5] Yu, Wenchao, Charu C. Aggarwal, and Wei Wang. Temporally Factorized Network Modeling for Evolutionary Network Analysis. ACM WSDM, 2017.

[6] Yu, Wenchao, et al. Link Prediction with Spatial and Temporal Consistency in Dynamic Networks. IJCAI, 2017.

[7] Goyal, Palash, Sujit Rokka Chhetri, and Arquimedes Canedo. Dyngraph2vec: Capturing Network Dynamics Using Dynamic Graph Representation Learning. Knowledge-Based Systems 187 (2020): 104816.

[8] Li, Taisong, et al. Deep Dynamic Network Embedding for Link Prediction. IEEE Access 6 (2018): 29219-29230.

[9] Chen, Jinyin, et al. E-LSTM-D: A Deep Learning Framework for Dynamic Network Link Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics: Systems 51.6 (2019): 3699-3712.

[10] Qin, Meng et al. GCN-GAN: A Non-linear Temporal Link Prediction Model for Weighted Dynamic Networks. IEEE INFOCOM, 2019.

[11] Yang, Min, et al. An Advanced Deep Generative Framework for Temporal Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50.12 (2019): 4946-4957.

[12] Min, Shengjie, et al. STGSN—A Spatial–Temporal Graph Neural Network Framework for Time-Evolving Social Networks. Knowledge-Based Systems 214 (2021): 106746.

[13] Zhu, Linhong, et al. Scalable Temporal Latent Space Inference for Link Prediction in Dynamic Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering (TKDE) 28.10 (2016): 2765-2777.

[14] Ma, Xiaoke, et al. Joint Multi-Label Learning and Feature Extraction for Temporal Link Prediction. Pattern Recognition 121 (2022): 108216.

[15] Pareja, Aldo, et al. EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs. AAAI, 2020.

[16] Nguyen, Giang Hoang, et al. Continuous-Time Dynamic Network Embeddings. ACM Companion Proceedings of WWW, 2018.

[17] Lu, Yuanfu, et al. Temporal Network Embedding with Micro-and Macro-Dynamics. ACM CIKM, 2019.

[18] Trivedi, Rakshit, et al. DyRep: Learning Representations over Dynamic Graphs. ICLR, 2019.

[19] Xu, Da, et al. Inductive Representation Learning on Temporal Graphs. ICLR, 2020.

[20] Wang, Yanbang, et al. Inductive Representation Learning in Temporal Networks via Causal Anonymous Walks. ICLR, 2021.

[21] Sankar, Aravind, et al. DySAT: Deep Neural Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Self-Attention Networks. ACM WSDM, 2020.

[22] Wen, Zhihao, and Yuan Fang. TREND: TempoRal Event and Node Dynamics for Graph Representation Learning. ACM WWW, 2022.

[23] Ma, Yao, et al. Streaming Graph Neural Networks. ACM SIGIR, 2020.

[24] Qin, Meng, et al. High-Quality Temporal Link Prediction for Weighted Dynamic Graphs Via Inductive Embedding Aggregation. IEEE TKDE, 2023.

[25] Luo, Linhao, Gholamreza Haffari, and Shirui Pan. Graph Sequential Neural ODE Process for Link Prediction on Dynamic and Sparse Graphs. ACM WSDM, 2023.

[26] Rossi, Emanuele, et al. Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs. ICML Workshop on Graph Representation Learning, 2020.

[27] Liu, Meng, and Yong Liu. Inductive Representation Learning in Temporal Networks via Mining Neighborhood and Community Influences. ACM SIGIR, 2021.

[28] Qu, Liang, et al. Continuous-Time Link Prediction via Temporal Dependent Graph Neural Network. ACM WWW, 2020.

[29] Zuo, Yuan, et al. Embedding Temporal Network via Neighborhood Formation. ACM KDD, 2018.

[30] Yin, Yanting, et al. Super Resolution Graph With Conditional Normalizing Flows for Temporal Link Prediction. IEEE TKDE, 2023.


[ACM Computing Surveys'23] Implementations or refactor of some temporal link prediction/dynamic link prediction methods and summary of related open resources for survey paper "Temporal Link Prediction: A Unified Framework, Taxonomy, and Review" which has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.






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  • Python 79.6%
  • MATLAB 20.4%