This is a simple sanitizer for morpheme data in the Sejong Corpus.
Sejong Corpus became available to the public thanks to a 10-year long project by the Korean government (1997-2007). Despite the small size of the data, it is still one of the most widely used datasets for Korean natural language processing, due to the lack of open resources.
This repository aims to "sanitize" the XML-formatted data into a more developer-friendly format -- disregarding sentence splits, and leaving one word and its morpheme-splitted output in one line, delimited with a tab. (Examples of input/output file formats below.)
You can use
to sanitize the data for yourself, or otherwise directly download and use the sanitized results from the
(Data was removed from the repo due to Sejong Corpus's CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.)./output
- python2
pip install lxml
- If you have the Sejong corpus CD:
cd1/02_말뭉치/현대/{구어, 문어}/현대{구어, 문어}_말뭉치/형태분석_말뭉치
- If you don't have the Sejong corpus CD:
- Go to
- Search for
형태분석 말뭉치
- Download
{구어, 문어}_형태분석_말뭉치.zip
(You will need to login first)
Input (Yes, the encoding is utf-16):
$ iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 ./sejong/cd1/02_말뭉치/현대/구어/현대구어_말뭉치/형태분석_말뭉치/5CT_0013.txt | sed -n 115,143p
5CT_0013-0000010 <u who="P1">
5CT_0013-0000020 <s n="00001">
5CT_0013-0000030 뭐 뭐/NP
5CT_0013-0000040 타고 타/VV+고/EC
5CT_0013-0000050 가? 가/VV+ㅏ/EF+?/SF
5CT_0013-0000060 </s>
5CT_0013-0000070 <s n="00002">
5CT_0013-0000080 <vocal desc="웃음"/>
5CT_0013-0000090 </s>
5CT_0013-0000100 </u>
5CT_0013-0000110 <u who="P2">
5CT_0013-0000120 <s n="00003">
5CT_0013-0000130 지하철. 지하철/NNG+./SF
5CT_0013-0000140 </s>
5CT_0013-0000150 </u>
5CT_0013-0000160 <u who="P1">
5CT_0013-0000170 <s n="00004">
5CT_0013-0000180 기차? 기차/NNG+?/SF
5CT_0013-0000190 </s>
5CT_0013-0000200 <s n="00005">
5CT_0013-0000210 아침에 아침/NNG+에/JKB
5CT_0013-0000220 몇 몇/MM
5CT_0013-0000230 시에 시/NNB+에/JKB
5CT_0013-0000240 타고 타/VV+고/EC
5CT_0013-0000250 가는데? 가/VV+는데/EF+?/SF
5CT_0013-0000260 </s>
5CT_0013-0000270 </u>
$ python
$ head ./output/colloquial_word_to_morph.txt
뭐 뭐
타고 타 고
가? 가 ㅏ ?
지하철. 지하철 .
기차? 기차 ?
아침에 아침 에
몇 몇
시에 시 에
타고 타 고
가는데? 가 는데 ?
$ head ./output/colloquial_word_to_morphpos.txt
뭐 뭐/NP
타고 타/VV 고/EC
가? 가/VV ㅏ/EF ?/SF
지하철. 지하철/NNG ./SF
기차? 기차/NNG ?/SF
아침에 아침/NNG 에/JKB
몇 몇/MM
시에 시/NNB 에/JKB
타고 타/VV 고/EC
가는데? 가/VV 는데/EF ?/SF
# Number of words
$ wc -l ./output/*.txt
747729 ./output/colloquial_word_to_morph.txt
747729 ./output/colloquial_word_to_morphpos.txt
5815619 ./output/written_word_to_morph.txt
5815619 ./output/written_word_to_morphpos.txt
13126696 total
# Number of word types
$ cut -f1 ./output/colloquial_word_to_morph.txt | sort -u | wc -l
# Number of characters (including spaces)
$ cut -f1 ./output/colloquial_word_to_morph.txt | sed 's/\(.\)/\1 /g' | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l
# Number of character types
$ cut -f1 ./output/colloquial_word_to_morph.txt | sed 's/\(.\)/\1 /g' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | wc -l
(Note that the licence for the original Sejong Corpus is CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.