KAI SDK's implementation in Python.
The SDK can be used in a KAI workflows for working with Python code
Once the Python SDK is deployed, it connects to NATS and it subscribes permanently to an input subject. Each node knows to which subject it has to subscribe and also to which subject it has to send messages, since the K8s manager tells it with environment variables. It is important to note that the nodes use a queue subscription, which allows load balancing of messages when there are multiple replicas when using Task runners but not with Trigger runners
When a new message is published in the input subject of a node, it passes it down to a handler function, along with a context object formed by variables and useful methods for processing data. This handler is the solution implemented by the client and given in the krt file generated. Once executed, the result will be taken and transformed into a NATS message that will then be published to the next node's subject (indicated by an environment variable). After that, the node ACKs the message manually
- Install the dependencies with
poetry install --group dev
If you don't have poetry installed (you must have python 3.11 installed in your system):
python3 -m pip install --user poetry
Execute the test running in the root folder:
make pytest
Execute the linter running in the root folder:
make pytidy