Brand new release featuring typing status in groups. For the rest is just a lot of fixes and small improvements that make Kontalk a little greater than before 😄
- Typing status in groups (#1152)
- Camera permission is needed also for external camera app (#1136)
- Allow HTTP connections for media uploads (#1137)
- Keep wake lock during message delivery and incoming processing (#1138)
- Crash with some balloon themes (#1142)
- Direct call requires explicit permission (#1144)
- Permission request loop with Google Maps provider (#1145)
- Crash with notifications on Android 4 (#1146)
- Crash requesting permission in contacts list (#1147)
- Use system-provided time on buggy firmwares (#1149)
- Request storage permission before importing personal key (#1153)
- Inapproriate use of plurals leading to crash (#1154)
You can see all the details for the issues closed with this release here.
Download apk files here:
- https://www.kontalk.org/files/Kontalk-4.1.4-googleplay.apk (Google Play flavor)
- https://www.kontalk.org/files/Kontalk-4.1.4-basic.apk (basic flavor)