This demo was created to show Streaming components usage in a Telecom company.
Author: Guilherme Braccialli
With special thanks to:
- Ali Bajwa who created original Twitter Demo that inspired this demo.
- <a href=""target="_blank">Randy Gelhausen who created Storm Commons component.
Check more details in this PDF presentation.
- Ingest:
- Listen for CDR records coming as text file in a directory
- Processing:
- Monitor dropped calls
- Monitor networks type change
- Persistence:
- Hive Streaming ORC (for interactive query)
- HBase (for granular events alerts)
- Solr/Banana (for alerts and reports/dashboards)
- Simulation:
- Generate "fake" CDR files every minute
- Demo setup:
- Start HDP 2.3.2 sandbox and run provided scripts to setup demo
- Setup demo via scripts on vanilla HDP 2.3.2 sandbox
- Run demo to monitor Tweets about S&P 500 securities in realtime
- Observe results in HDFS, Hive, HBase/Phoenix, Solr/Banana
These setup steps are only needed first time and may take upto 30min to execute (depending on your internet connection)
- Download HDP 2.3.2 sandbox from Hortonworks website
- Import the Sandbox into VMWare or VirtualBox and allocate at least 4cpus and 10GB RAM and start the VM
- Connect to the VM via SSH (password hadoop). You can also SSH via browser by clicking:
ssh -p 2222 root@localhost
- Download code as root user
git clone
- Setup demo:Run below to setup demo (one time): it will start HBase/Kafka/Storm, install solr, banana and create hive/phoenix tables.
chmod -R +x /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring/
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring
mvn clean package
ssh -p 2222 root@localhost
- Start all components:
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring
- Start individual compoments:
- Flume
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring scripts/
- Storm
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring scripts/
- CDR Producer
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring scripts/
- To stop Demo, use:
cd /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring
Storm Topology UI

Hive/Phoenix tables
- telco_cdr_monitoring_raw
- telco_cdr_monitoring_phoenix_dropped_call
- telco_cdr_monitoring_phoenix_network_type_change
Log files
- /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring/logs/flume.log
- /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring/logs/producer.log
- /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring/logs/storm.log
CDR Files
- /opt/telco-cdr-monitoring/data