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A Zero Dependency, secure password generator and hasher for TypeScript/JavaScript applications.


  • 🔐 Generate secure passwords with customizable options
  • 🔒 Hash passwords using crypto's pbkdf2
  • ⚡ Synchronous and asynchronous methods
  • 🎯 Zero dependencies
  • 📊 Password strength assessment
  • 🛡️ Strict mode for guaranteed character inclusion
  • 🔄 Salt generation and management


npm install passjen


Password Generation

import { Generator } from 'passjen';

// Generate a password with default options
const result = Generator.generate({});
console.log(result.password); // 6-character password
console.log(result.passwordStrength); // Password strength rating

// Generate a strong password
const strongPassword = Generator.generate({
  characterLength: 12,
  useNumbers: true,
  useSymbols: true,
  useLowercase: true,
  useUppercase: true,
  useStrict: true

// Generate a password excluding similar characters
const unambiguousPassword = Generator.generate({
  characterLength: 10,
  useNumbers: true,
  useLowercase: true,
  excludeSimilarCharacters: true // Excludes i, l, 1, L, o, 0, etc.

Password Hashing

import { Hasher } from 'passjen';

// Async hashing
const hashedResult = await Hasher.hash('myPassword');

// Sync hashing
const hashedResultSync = Hasher.hashSync('myPassword');

// Password comparison (async)
const isMatch = await{
  password: 'myPassword',
  hashedPassword: hashedResult.hashedPassword,
  salt: hashedResult.salt,
  saltRounds: hashedResult.saltRounds

// Generate and hash a password in one step
const generatedHash = await Hasher.generateHashedPassword({
  characterLength: 12,
  useNumbers: true,
  useSymbols: true,
  useLowercase: true,
  useUppercase: true,
  useStrict: true,
  saltRounds: 10

API Reference

Generator Options

Option Type Default Description
characterLength number 6 Length of the generated password
useNumbers boolean false Include numbers (0-9)
useSymbols boolean false Include symbols (!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:,.<>?)
useLowercase boolean false Include lowercase letters (a-z)
useUppercase boolean false Include uppercase letters (A-Z)
excludeSimilarCharacters boolean false Exclude similar characters (ilLI|`oO0)
excludeTheseCharacters string "" Custom characters to exclude
useStrict boolean false Ensure at least one character from each selected type

Password Strength Levels

The password strength is calculated based on:

  • Length (8+ chars for basic strength, 12+ for better strength)
  • Character variety (numbers, lowercase, uppercase, symbols)
  • Overall complexity

Strength levels:

  • Too weak: Very short or simple passwords
  • Weak: Longer passwords with limited character types
  • Medium: Medium-length passwords with some character types
  • Strong: Complex passwords with multiple character types and sufficient length

Hasher Options

Option Type Default Description
saltRounds number 10 Number of iterations for PBKDF2
encryption string "sha256" Hash algorithm to use


PassJen uses Node's native crypto module with PBKDF2 for password hashing. The generator creates cryptographically secure random passwords when strict mode is enabled.


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details