A simple android app built on Material Design for a college fest to show the details of events/ quizzes and registering for the same.
Showcase your Crew/Organizing member of your fest/event. Ability to make an event inter-college or intra-college
You can check the app here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smec.tam
- Home - Contains a long text with details of the event
- Quizzes - Contains list of quizzes conducted with an option to register for the quiz
- Events - Contains list of Events similar to quizzes.
- Crew - Contains list of people who are organizing the whole event.
- Goto firebase.com and register.
- Create a new project.
- Select Add app and then select android.
- Give the package name as com.smec.TAM.
- Download the config file.
- Add the config file to ~/app/
- Run the app and your should be connected to firebase.
Add the details of your Organisation/Company, events, quizzes, crew in firebase using the following schemas to the root of your database.
The schema for HomePage
tamInfo: [{ // This is an array containing only one object.
whyTam: "String" // Provide the description of your fest here.
The schema for Event and quiz is same which is given below
events/QuizzesList: [{ // Make two arrays in the root directory events for event details, QuizzesList for quiz details
Details: "String", // Event details. A short description of the event
content: "String", // Long description of the event
date: "String", // Date of the event
image: "String", // Image for the event
interClg: "Boolean", // This determines if the event is an inter-college or intra-college
idFirstYear: "Boolean", // When this is true, the event only accepts 1st year students
location: "String", // Location or venue of the event
man: int, // This should be set 2 for quizzes and 1 for events *important*
name: "String", // Name of the event
The schema for Crew is as follows
Crew : [{
Department : "String", // Name of the department
members: [{ // Members of that department
Designation: "String", // Designation of the member
img: "String" // Url to the image (Can be kept in Firebase storage and use that link)
is_board: "Boolean" //Set true if member is board
is_head: "Boolean" // Set true if member is head of the particular department.
name: "String" // Name of the member
This will set the list of colleges to select if the event is inter-college
collegeList : [ // Array of names of colleges
"String" // Add the name of the college
The registrations will be stored under Registrations object with the event name.
For any suggestions/queries: email: [email protected]