This repo contains the implementation for diploS/HIC
as described in Kern and Schrider (2018;, along
with its associated support scripts. diploS/HIC
uses a deep convolutional neural network to identify
hard and soft selective sweep in population genomic data.
The workflow for analysis using diploS/HIC
consists of four basic parts. 1) Generation of a training set for diploS/HIC
using simulation. 2) diploS/HIC
training and performance evaluation. 3) Calculation of dipoS/HIC
feature vectors from genomic data.
4) prediction on empirical data using the trained network. The software provided here can handle the last three parts; population
genetic simulations must be performed using separate software such as discoal (
has a number of dependencies that should be straightforward to install using python package managers
such as conda
or pip
. The complete list of dependencies looks like this:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- scikit-allel
- scikit-learn
- tensorflow
- keras
I'm going to focus on the steps involved to install on a linux machine using Anaconda as our python source / main package manager. Assuming you have conda installed, create a new conda env
$ conda create -n diploshic python=3.10 --yes
Note that because I'm using the Anaconda version of python, pip will only install this in the anaconda directory
which is a good thing. Now we are ready to install diploS/HIC
itself. We recommend using the binarys that
we have packaged using pip. Simply type
pip install diploshic
or if you prefer you can clone and build the repo yourself
$ git clone
$ cd diploSHIC
$ pip install .
This should automatically install all the dependencies including tensorflow. You will need to determine if you want to use a CPU-only implementation (probably) or a GPU implementation of tensorflow. See for install instructions.
- install new versions of the compilers etc using brew (this seems to be the root of the issue)
brew install gcc gfortran libomp
- set these environment variables export SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 \n && export LDFLAGS="-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib" build the diploshic packge from the root of the repo dir with pip install .
The main program that you will interface with is diploSHIC
. This script is installed by default
in the conda environment bin
This script has four run modes that allow the user to
perform each of the main steps in the supervised machine learning process. We will briefly lay out the modes of use
and then will provide a complete example of how to use the program for fun and profit.
uses the argparse
module in python to try to give the user a complete, command line based help menu.
We can see the top level of this help by typing
$ diploSHIC -h
usage: diploSHIC [-h] {train,predict,fvecSim,fvecVcf} ...
calculate feature vectors, train, or predict with diploSHIC
possible modes (enter \'diploSHIC modeName -h\' for modeName\'s help message:
sub-command help
fvecSim Generate feature vectors from simulated data
makeTrainingSets Combine feature vectors from muliple fvecSim runs into
5 balanced training sets
train train and test a shic CNN
fvecVcf Generate feature vectors from data in a VCF file
predict perform prediction using an already-trained SHIC CNN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
All flavors of S/HIC require simulated data for training (and ideally, testing). Users can select whatever simulator they prefer and parameterize them however they wish. We have included an example script in this respository ( which demonstrates how a training set can be simulated with discoal (available at
The first task in our pipeline is generating feature vectors from simulation data (or empirical data) to
use with the CNN that we will train and then use for prediction. The diploSHIC
script eases this
process with two run modes
The fvecSim run mode is used for turning ms-style output into feature vectors compatible with diploSHIC
. The
help message from this mode looks like this
$ diploSHIC fvecSim -h
usage: diploSHIC fvecSim [-h] [--totalPhysLen TOTALPHYSLEN]
[--numSubWins NUMSUBWINS]
[--maskFileName MASKFILENAME]
[--unmaskedFracCutoff UNMASKEDFRACCUTOFF]
[--outStatsDir OUTSTATSDIR]
[--ancFileName ANCFILENAME] [--pMisPol PMISPOL]
shicMode msOutFile fvecFileName
required arguments:
shicMode specifies whether to use original haploid SHIC (use
'haploid') or diploSHIC ('diploid')
msOutFile path to simulation output file (must be same format
used by Hudson's ms)
fvecFileName path to file where feature vectors will be written
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Length of simulated chromosome for converting infinite
sites ms output to finite sites (default=1100000)
The number of subwindows that our chromosome will be
divided into (default=11)
Path to a fasta-formatted file that contains masking
information (marked by 'N'). If specified, simulations
will be masked in a manner mirroring windows drawn
from this file.
A comma-separated list (no spaces) of chromosome arms
from which we want to draw masking information (or
'all' if we want to use all arms. Ignored if
maskFileName is not specified.
Minimum fraction of unmasked sites, if masking
simulated data
Path to a directory where values of each statistic in
each subwindow are recorded for each rep
Path to a fasta-formatted file that contains inferred
ancestral states ('N' if unknown). This is used for
masking, as sites that cannot be polarized are masked,
and we mimic this in the simulted data. Ignored in
diploid mode which currently does not use ancestral
state information
--pMisPol PMISPOL The fraction of sites that will be intentionally
polarized to better approximate real data
This mode takes three arguments and then offers many options. The arguments are the "shicMode", i.e. whether to calculate the haploid or diploid summary statistics, the name of the input file, and the name of the output file. The various options allow one to account for missing data (via masking), unfolding the site frequency spectrum via the ancestral states file (haploid only), and a mis-polarization rate of that unfolded site frequency spectrum. Please see the example usage below for a fleshed out example of how to use these features.
The fvecVcf mode is used for calculating feature vectors from data that is stored as a VCF file. The help message from this mode is as follows
$ diploSHIC fvecVcf -h
usage: diploSHIC fvecVcf [-h] [--targetPop TARGETPOP]
[--winSize WINSIZE] [--numSubWins NUMSUBWINS]
[--maskFileName MASKFILENAME]
[--unmaskedFracCutoff UNMASKEDFRACCUTOFF]
[--ancFileName ANCFILENAME]
[--statFileName STATFILENAME]
[--segmentStart SEGMENTSTART]
[--segmentEnd SEGMENTEND]
shicMode chrArmVcfFile chrArm chrLen
required arguments:
shicMode specifies whether to use original haploid SHIC (use
'haploid') or diploSHIC ('diploid')
chrArmVcfFile VCF format file containing data for our chromosome arm
(other arms will be ignored)
chrArm Exact name of the chromosome arm for which feature
vectors will be calculated
chrLen Length of the chromosome arm
fvecFileName path to file where feature vectors will be written
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--targetPop TARGETPOP
Population ID of samples we wish to include
Path to tab delimited file with population
assignments; format: SampleID popID
--winSize WINSIZE Length of the large window (default=1100000)
Number of sub-windows within each large window
Path to a fasta-formatted file that contains masking
information (marked by 'N'); must have an entry with
title matching chrArm
Fraction of unmasked sites required to retain a
Path to a fasta-formatted file that contains inferred
ancestral states ('N' if unknown); must have an entry
with title matching chrArm. Ignored for diploid mode
which currently does not use ancestral state
Path to a file where statistics will be written for
each subwindow that is not filtered out
--segmentStart SEGMENTSTART
Left boundary of region in which feature vectors are
calculated (whole arm if omitted)
--segmentEnd SEGMENTEND
Right boundary of region in which feature vectors are
calculated (whole arm if omitted)
This mode takes five arguments and again has many options. The required arguments are the "shicMode", i.e. whether to calculate the haploid or diploid summary statistics, the name of the input file, which chromosome to arm to calculate statistics for, the length of that chromosome, and the name of the output file.
Once we have feature vector files ready to go we can train and test our CNN and then finally do prediction on empirical data.
Before entering train mode we need to consolidate our training set into 5 files, one for each class. This is done using the makeTrainingSets mode whose help message is as follows:
$ diploSHIC makeTrainingSets -h
usage: diploSHIC makeTrainingSets [-h]
linkedTrainingWindows outDir
required arguments:
neutTrainingFileName Path to our neutral feature vectors
Prefix (including higher-level path) of files
containing soft training examples; files must end with
'_$i.$ext' where $i is the subwindow index of the
sweep and $ext is any extension.
Prefix (including higher-level path) of files
containing hard training examples; files must end with
'_$i.$ext' where $i is the subwindow index of the
sweep and $ext is any extension.
sweepTrainingWindows comma-separated list of windows to classify as sweeps
(usually just '5' but without the quotes)
list of windows to treat as linked to sweeps (usually
'0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10' but without the quotes)
outDir path to directory where the training sets will be
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Here is the help message for the train mode of diploSHIC
$ diploSHIC train -h
usage: diploSHIC train [-h] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--numSubWins NUMSUBWINS]
trainDir testDir outputModel
required arguments:
trainDir path to training set files
testDir path to test set files, can be same as trainDir
outputModel file name for output model, will create two files one
with structure one with weights
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--epochs EPOCHS max epochs for training CNN (default = 100)
number of subwindows that our chromosome is divided
into (default = 11)
As you will see in a moment train mode is used for training the deep learning classifier. Its required
arguments are trainDir (the directory where the training feature vectors
are kept), testDir (the directory where the testing feature vectors are kept), and outputModel the file name for the trained
network. One note -- diploSHIC
expects five files named hard.fvec
, soft.fvec
, neut.fvec
, linkedSoft.fvec
, and
in the training and testing directories. The training and testing directory can be the same directory in
which case 20% of the training examples are held out for use in testing and validation.
train mode has two options, the number of subwindows used for the feature vectors and the number of training epochs for the network.
Once a classifier has been trained, one uses the predict mode of diploSHIC
to classify empirical data. Here is the help
$ diploSHIC predict -h
usage: diploSHIC predict [-h] [--numSubWins NUMSUBWINS]
modelStructure modelWeights predictFile
required arguments:
modelStructure path to CNN structure .json file
modelWeights path to CNN weights .h5 file
predictFile input file to predict
predictFileOutput output file name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
number of subwindows that our chromosome is divided
into (default = 11)
The predict mode takes as input the two model files output by the train mode, an input file of empirical feature vectors, and a file name for the prediction output.
We have supplied in the repo some example data that can give you a quick run through the train/predict cycle (we will also
shortly provide a soup-to-nuts example that starts by calculating feature vectors from simulations and ends with prediction of
genomic data). Let's quickly give that code a spin. The directories testing/
and training/
each contain appropriately
formatted diploid feature vectors that are ready to be fed into diploSHIC. First we will train the diploSHIC CNN, but we will
restrict the number of training epochs to 10 to keep things relatively brief (this runs in less than 5 minutes on our server).
$ diploSHIC train training/ testing/ fooModel --epochs 10
as it runs a bunch of information monitoring the training of the network will apear. We are tracking the loss and accuracy in the
validation set. When optimization is complete our trained network will be contained in two files, fooModel.json
. The last bit of output from diploSHIC
gives us information about the loss and accuracy on
the held out test data. From the above run my looks like this:
evaluation on test set:
diploSHIC loss: 0.404791
diploSHIC accuracy: 0.846800
Not bad. In practice I would set the --epochs
value much higher than 10- the default setting of 100 should suffice in most cases.
Now that we have a trained model we can make predictions on some empirical data. In the repo there is a file called testEmpirical.fvec
that we will use as input
$ diploSHIC predict fooModel.json fooModel.weights.hdf5 testEmpirical.fvec testEmpirical.preds
the output predictions will be saved in testEmpirical.preds
and should be straightforward to interpret.
In the interest of showing the user the whole enchilada when it comes to the workflow, I've provided the user with a more detailed example on the wiki of this repo. That example can be found here: