2021-09-10 Update: I'm not running Arch anymore, BTW.
Many of these dotfiles were running on that system and are now probably defunct.
Right now the only thing really of note is I've put a lot of work into my
Here lie the various dotfiles of Alex Kraker. Here lie much learning, sweat, and persperation in seeking eternal truth in aesthetics and config optimization. As ye probably already knows this is never done and lest ye get sucked into the black hole of evil that is 'premature optimization' ye be warned these may break you and or your machine...backups are advised.
This repository was created using 'stow' and 'git' in a dotfiles/ dir on the creators machine with all files symlinked to their respective dirs in the $HOME/ directory tree using 'stow'. See the indespensible tutorial by Brandon Invergo to do the same.