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kramttocs edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision

A Windows Sidebar Gadget for Subsonic Music Streamer

Subsonic Forum Thread

NOTE: SubGadget? will be in MiniMode? right after you install the new version. Either undock (Vista) or make it larger (7) to access the main window

Usage Please see the userguide

Extract file using 7zip After installing, click on the wrench for the settings menu and enter the address to the subsonic server^, username, and password. Click Add Click OK. The gadget will now notify you if the connection was successful. You can now either select a Playlist, create a Random playlist, or use the Search option to listen to music. This needs to be the full address to the server just like you would type in the browser It is recommended to remove the trailing / if one exists although it will work either way HTTPS should work as long as the certificate is valid (this hasn't been thoroughly tested so any feedback on this would be great)

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