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Releases: kreait/ezpublish-migrations-bundle


26 Feb 15:44
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Drops support for PHP <5.5 due to new minimum version of doctrine/migrations 1.3


27 Jan 15:26
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As PHP <5.5 support is dropped in doctrine/migrations 1.3, a platform hint has been added to composer.json to ensure PHP 5.4 compatibility.

This results in doctrine/migrations being fixed at a version <1.3.


13 Dec 20:36
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  • This bundle is now based on the DoctrineMigrationsBundle ^1.1 and
    eZ Platform ready.
  • All commands except the ezpublish:migrations:generate have been removed -
    use the doctrine:migrations:* commands instead
  • The following deprecated methods have been removed:
    • Kreait\EzPublish\MigrationsBundle\Migrations\AbstractMigration::getContainer()
  • If you want to upgrade an existing project using version 1.x/2.x to the latest release, please follow the
    upgrade guide


12 Dec 23:11
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Adds support for Symfony 3 and PHPUnit 5.


03 Aug 15:05
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How to update

Please see 2.0 for update instructions.

Required changes to your code

Version 1.x of this bundle recommended to add a dummy SQL statement to avoid Migration was executed but did not result in any SQL statements. messages.

Version 2.0.2 mutes those messages, so you don't need those dummy messages anymore.

Unfortunately you even must remove the dummy messages, because they will cause the migrations to fail with an Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. error.


  • Mute Migration xxx was executed but did not result in any SQL statements. messages.
  • Removed hacky instructions to output status information, because this causes the migrations to fail.


03 Aug 01:55
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How to update

Please see 2.0 for update instructions.


  • Updated .gitattributes to exclude all test related files
  • Updated README


02 Aug 23:21
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How to update

The previously required explicit "doctrine/migrations": "1.0.0-alpha3" dependency is gone.

So, to update the eZ Publish Migrations Bundle in your project, just remove the following line from your composer.json

"doctrine/migrations": "1.0.0-alpha3"

and then execute

composer update kreait/ezpublish-migrations-bundle

Required changes to your code

Version 1.x of this bundle recommended to add a dummy SQL statement to avoid Migration was executed but did not result in any SQL statements. messages.

Version 2.0.2 mutes those messages, so you don't need those dummy messages anymore.

Unfortunately you even must remove the dummy messages, because they will cause the migrations to fail with an Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. error.


  • Updated doctrine/migrations to Version 1.0 (stable)
  • Bumped minimum version requirement for the Symfony Components to 2.4
    • The previous minimum requirement of 2.3 was an error in the first place, because some used components
      were not available until 2.4
  • Test library with --prefer-stable --prefer-lowest
  • Ensure PHP 7.0 and HHVM support in Travis CI tests
  • Removed Mockery as a dependency


10 Jun 19:09
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Easily create new contents with $this->createContent(), see documentation and example


29 May 18:31
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Pins the used doctrine/migrations to "1.0.0-apha3", because the bundle didn't work with the current master branch.

Please update your project's composer.json to use "doctrine/migrations": "1.0.0-alpha3".


31 Mar 14:03
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The field $repository in the AbstractMigration had been changed from protected to private, although it should be accessible to use from generated migrations. Now it's back to protected again :).

Thanks to @nadiri for bringing this up.