Added trigger function in postgresql which updates a boolean flag(field called 'table_updated') in books table, whenever name field of book gets updated.
#steps to install/run the app
run- 'bundle install' run- yarn install --check-files setup DB settings in database.yml create and migrate DB- rake db:create, rake db:migrate rake db:seed to add test entry into books table
make sure redis server is running and run sidekiq
bundle exec sidekiq
modify the db update check time interval in config/schedule.rb run- whenever --update-crontab (which will add job to crontab)
To test the functionality, You can load book via console and update the name of book i.e.
rails c book = Book.last = "test123"!
This will update the table_updated flag to 'true' hence will catch via cronjob,
You can access sidekiq UI via - http://localhost:3000/sidekiq (mounted it in routes)