This is only a simple example for a alexa skill. The skill is written in go and can be run on AWS Lambda.
- You must create a aws lambda function in a compatible region like Irland for german skills.
- To run your code on AWS Lambda, you need to create a zip file with all your code and dependencies.
start skill with invocation name
alexa open your-invocation-name
ask question with intent keyword
sag wie ist das wetter
erzähle mir wie ist das wetter
nenne mir wie ist das wetter
sage mir wie ist das wetter
erkläre mir wie ist das wetter
frage wie weit ist es bis zum mond
when you not ask a question, alexa will ask you for a question after 8 seconds
stop intent by saying stop keyword to alexa
"interactionModel": {
"languageModel": {
"invocationName": "your skill invocation name",
"intents": [
"name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "QuestionIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "question",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery"
"samples": [
"sag {question}",
"erzähle {question}",
"nenne {question}",
"sage {question}",
"erkläre {question}",
"frage {question}"
"types": []