Stanford CS234: Reinforcement Learning assignments and practices
This project are assignment solutions and practices of Stanford class CS234.
The assignments are for Winter 2020, video recordings are available on Youtube.
For detailed information of the class, goto: CS234 Home Page
Assignments will be updated with my solutions, currently WIP.
There are totally three assignments, each of them has programming part and written part.
Grid World
Value of Different Policies
Fixed Point
Frozen Lake MDP, policy evaluation, policy improvement, policy iteration, value iteration.
Details see source code:
Linear Approximation
Implementing DeepMind's DQN
DQN on Atari
n-step Estimators
Policy Gradient Methods
Best Arm Identification in Multi-armed Bandit
Install basic tex package
brew cask install basictex
Install missing packages from the assignments.
if some package is missing, tex compiler such as
will give you their name, e.g.nicefrac.sty
. -
Search the package name on CTAN, and get the parent package name, e.g.
Below command will install the package:
sudo tlmgr install units
I already did this for you, here is the command for install all dependencies for this assignment:
sudo tlmgr update --self sudo tlmgr install units fullpage preprint \ wrapfig was apptools appendix \ titlesec enumitem breakurl \ algorithm2e ifoddpage relsize cm-super \ lastpage comment framed biblatex typewriter \ tcolorbox environ trimspaces
Use your favorite editor with LaTeX support and enjoy the math. I'm using Atom with LaTex and pdf-view package.
Any questions or advice, just open an issue or pull request.