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05. StackStorm integration packs

Khelil Sator edited this page May 16, 2017 · 1 revision

StackStorm integration packs

Integration packs extend StackStorm to integrate it with external systems (Ansible, NAPALM, Puppet ....)

Integration packs hub

StackStorm Exchange is a collection of packs submitted and maintained by the StackStorm community.
StackStorm exchange:

Discovering available packs in StackStorm exchange

You can visit the integration packs hub

You can use the command st2 pack search. This command searches packs through packs properties: name, description (use quotes for multi-word search), keywords, and even author:

$ sudo st2 pack search mierdin
| name   | description                                | version | author                |
| napalm | A StackStorm pack for working with network | 0.2.3   | mierdin, Rob Woodward |
|        | devices using the NAPALM library           |         |                       |

Once you know the exact pack name, you can use it with the below command to get more details:

$ sudo st2 pack show napalm
| Property    | Value                                                        |
| name        | napalm                                                       |
| description | A StackStorm pack for working with network devices using the |
|             | NAPALM library                                               |
| author      | mierdin, Rob Woodward                                        |
| content     | {                                                            |
|             |     "rules": {                                               |
|             |         "count": 3                                           |
|             |     },                                                       |
|             |     "actions": {                                             |
|             |         "count": 27                                          |
|             |     },                                                       |
|             |     "aliases": {                                             |
|             |         "count": 1                                           |
|             |     }                                                        |
|             | }                                                            |
| email       | [email protected]                                          |
| keywords    | [                                                            |
|             |     "networking",                                            |
|             |     "napalm",                                                |
|             |     "cisco",                                                 |
|             |     "juniper",                                               |
|             |     "arista",                                                |
|             |     "ibm"                                                    |
|             | ]                                                            |
| repo_url    |     |
| version     | 0.2.3                                                        |

Pack configuration files

They are located in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ directory.
A pack configuration file is a YAML file which contains pack configuration. It is named <pack name>.yaml. Some packs require a pack configuration file (napalm) and others do not use a pack configuration file (ansible).

$ ls /opt/stackstorm/configs/