A single page profile web template powered by Jekyll.
It is a flat design single page card style profile site that runs the liquid powered by Jekyll. Easy to setup and use as your profile website.
To use ProfileFlat as your profile website,
- Fork this repository.
- Upload your profile picture in images directory with the dimensions of already given and rename it as already done i.e. 'avatar.jpg'
- Edit the _config.yml file with your details.
- make the baseurl: "" (Empty)
- title as the title for your webpage.
- author as your name.
- about as your single line bio.
- update your social media links of facebook twitter and instagram. If not any, then make it as "#".
- Save and commit the changes.
- Go to the settings of the repository and enable the github pages.
The website will be live at "https://[yourusername].github.io"
- Jekyll - The static site generator.
Made with ❤ by Vatsal Mistry.