This is a TODO application, which offers the following features:
TAG=latest-linux-amd64 _POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres_password _POSTGRES_APP_USER_PASSWORD=postgres_app_user_password scripts/
MY_HOST_PGDATA=./pgdata1 _POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres_password _POSTGRES_APP_USER_PASSWORD=postgres_app_user_password docker compose -f compose.yaml -f up --build
BROWSER=none npx -w client vite dev --port 3122
# LOCALHOST=host.docker.internal BROWSER=none npx -w client vite dev --port 3122
xdg-open http://localhost:3122
Please share /
to run the devcontainer on macOS ( ).
Please run the following commands for the first run.
$ sudo chown <you>:<you> ~/.cache
$ sudo chown <you>:<you> ~/.cargo